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heat, temperature -> which one for blackbody?

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i am using pyro H17.5 to sim explosion, and guerilla render engine for rendering. my question: the render engine uses blackbody model for volumetrics, however, pyro heat and temperature fields look similiar and could be used for blackbody emission, so any idea if there is a preferred one? I still need to test, but wanted to get some initial thoughts :)


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v@temp = blackbody(chf("Temperature"),chf("Intensity"));

//CIE XYZ to sRGB (no white balance)
3@mat3 = { {3.24096994, -1.53738318, -0.49861076}, 
{-0.96924364, 1.7859675, 0.04155506}, 
{0.05563008, -0.20397696, 1.05697151} };

//Multiply Matrix
float red = (@temp.x * getcomp(@mat3,0,0)) + (@temp.y * getcomp(@mat3,0,1)) + (@temp.z * getcomp(@mat3,0,2));
float green = (@temp.x * getcomp(@mat3,1,0)) + (@temp.y * getcomp(@mat3,1,1)) + (@temp.z * getcomp(@mat3,1,2));
float blue = (@temp.x * getcomp(@mat3,2,0)) + (@temp.y * getcomp(@mat3,2,1)) + (@temp.z * getcomp(@mat3,2,2));

//set Color
@Cd = set(red,green,blue);
float Temp = chf("Temperature");
float TempInt = chf("Intensity");

float tempX = 0;
float tempY = 0;
float tempZ = 0;

if (Temp >= 1667 && Temp < 4000) {
    float xa = -0.2661239 * pow(10,9) / pow(Temp,3);
    float xb = -0.2343589 * pow(10,6) / pow(Temp,2);
    float xc = 0.8776956 * pow(10,3) / Temp;
    tempX = (xa + xb + xc) + 0.179910;
}else if (Temp >= 4000 && Temp <= 25000) {
    float xa = -3.0258469 * pow(10,9) / pow(Temp,3);
    float xb = 2.1070379 * pow(10,6) / pow(Temp,2);
    float xc = 0.2226347 * pow(10,3) / Temp;
    tempX = (xa + xb + xc) + 0.240390;

if (Temp >= 1667 && Temp < 2222) {
    float ya = -1.1063814 * pow(tempX,3);
    float yb = -1.3481102 * pow(tempX,2);
    float yc = 2.18555823 * tempX;
    tempY = (ya + yb + yc) -0.20219683;
}else if (Temp >= 2222 && Temp < 4000) {
    float ya = -0.9549476 * pow(tempX,3);
    float yb = -1.3481102 * pow(tempX,2);
    float yc = 2.09137015 * tempX;
    tempY = (ya + yb + yc) -0.16748867;
}else if (Temp >= 4000 && Temp <= 25000) {
    float ya = 3.0817580 * pow(tempX,3);
    float yb = -5.8733867 * pow(tempX,2);
    float yc = 3.75112997 * tempX;
    tempY = (ya + yb + yc) -0.37001483;

float tempXn = (TempInt / tempY) * tempX;
float tempYn = (TempInt / tempY) * (1 - tempX - tempY);

v@Cd = set(tempXn,TempInt,tempYn);
//white point
float wpnX = chf("wpx") / chf("wpy");
float wpnY = chf("wpy") / chf("wpy");
float wpnZ = chf("wpz") / chf("wpy");
vector wpn = set(wpnX,wpnY,wpnZ);

vector mX = set(chf("priRx"), chf("priGx"), chf("priBx"));
vector mY = set(chf("priRy"), chf("priGy"), chf("priBy"));
vector mZ = set(chf("priRz"), chf("priGz"), chf("priBz"));

matrix3 m = set(mX,mY,mZ);
matrix3 mI = invert(m);
matrix3 mW = set(wpnX,wpnX,wpnX, wpnY,wpnY,wpnY, wpnZ,wpnZ, wpnZ);
matrix3 mW2 = mI * mW;

vector vecX = set(getcomp(mW2,0,0), 0,0);
vector vecY = set(0, getcomp(mW2,1,1) ,0);
vector vecZ = set(0 ,0 ,getcomp(mW2,2,2));

matrix3 mVec = set(vecX,vecY,vecZ);
3@rgb2xyz = m * mVec;
3@rgb2xyz = invert(@rgb2xyz);

//Color Matrix
float red = (@Cd.r * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,0,0)) + (@Cd.g * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,0,1)) + (@Cd.b * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,0,2));
float green = (@Cd.r * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,1,0)) + (@Cd.g * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,1,1)) + (@Cd.b * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,1,2));
float blue = (@Cd.r * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,2,0)) + (@Cd.g * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,2,1)) + (@Cd.b * getcomp(@rgb2xyz,2,2));

@Cd = set(red,green,blue);
v@temp = blackbody(chf("Temperature"),chf("Intensity"));

//set Color
v@Cd = xyztorgb(@temp);


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Thanks Tesan :) 

What is the difference between using vex blackbody function and your code above (e.g. would not blackbody vex function be enough?) Also: Is there any use for "heat" field coming from pyro?

Tx again for your help :)

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