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does pop awaken work when collision response is to set to "stop"?

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I'm having a weird issue where I have just some particle colliding with a ground node, move to hit, and response to "stop" and "move to hit" checked on. However, when I use the pop awaken the "stopped" attribute goes back to 0, but none of the forces affect it. but the Velocities are updated in the geometry spreadsheet. not sure why that is. any ideas why?


Edited by angelous4x
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The POP Awaken DOP is only modifying the "stopped" attribute while the rest of the hit condition/position attributes remain unchanged - you'll see this reflected in the Attribute Spreadsheet of your POP Geometry. 

If you disable the POP Solver'ss "Move to Hit" and set the behavior back to "Unchanged" to just get the hit detection, adding a POP Wrangle into the chain with


if (@hitnum > 0)
    @stopped = 1;

Will freeze your particles where they collide and then release them to fly away as expected when they re-awaken

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