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How can I use the "Gas calculate" to turn density curvature into temperature


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Hi guys

I would like to retrieve the temperature field, from the curvature field of the density.  It seems the "Gas calculate" node can be applied to turning the curvature into -> temperature, but I don't know how to use this DOP node...


I would appreciate any helps and ideas.



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@uakinThanks for the setup tips. I've never tried to modify temperature after the fact. What I discovered is that if you omit the temperature field or initialize it with zeros, the Gas Calculate Multiply produces nothing which makes sense. Value times zero.

Playing around with the other settings I discovered without a temperature field, a blank one is generated. When I set the calculation method to MINIMUM, the minimum curvature value is supplied as the temperature, and quickly falls in on itself producing a weak bubbling pool or incipient geyser. Could work for bubbling pot, too.


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