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How to? (Volume noise help)

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Hi Everyone! Hopefully i can get some help here. I've been trying to get this effect, at first i started in Houdini playing with volumenoise and volume combines and stuff  but i wasn't getting a good result and got completely stuck so i jumped into c4d with the Maxon one trial lol and it's veeeery simple and straightforward. BUT i still think Houdini will do it better and I'm dead curious about how to actually do this inside Houdini.

Thank you so much in advance for any help.


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@Teteerck One of million ways
iso offset
1 and second input same model(and investigate different possibility) .

float amount = min(1,@Time*0.02);
float val0= volumesample(0,0,@P);
float val1 = volumesample(1,0,@P);

float offset = 50.0/(flownoise(v@P*4.1,@Time)-0.5);
//float offset = 50.0*(flownoise(v@P*4.1,@Time)-0.5);
@surface = lerp(val0,val1,amount)-offset;
//@surface = lspline(amount,val0,val1,val0)-offset;



extra Stuff on mesh


Edited by Librarian
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Woah! That's some badass stuff, i really need to learn code it's like a super power. Thank you so much for that!

I think i managed to do it though! seems like it's working but any advice to optimize or alternative it's more than welcome!


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Thank you!! I just tried with a font, that was my original idea and got stuck again haha, it has some weird angles so the volume makes some weird edges with the meshing. 
Is this fixable/cleanable? :O making the voxel size smaller doesn't really help haha thought about smoothing but i dont want to smooth the noise holes T_T

Smoothing SDF seems easier than smoothing a Fog vdb. 

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Got it! Noticed that SDF was smoothing a lot better than Fog. but the noise only works properly with fog (I think) (SDF Noise only seems to displace instead of taking off chunks like it does with fog vdbs) 

this worked :) intercepting the fog with noise and a sdf for the surface. kinda heavy but seems to work.

Any suggestion is welcomed :)

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