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Deep Rasters For Glass Shader

Nico D.

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It is posible to extract transmited and reflected ligth separately as deep rasters using Mario's glass shader ?

Yes, it's possible. The variables you want are:

vector Crefl, for reflection, and

vector Ctrans for transmission.

Here's the whole list of export variables (that can become deep raster layers):

	  // Exports
	  export vector n	   // shading normal
	  export vector wo	  // unit direction to the viewer
	  export vector wr	  // unit direction of mirror reflection
	  export vector wt	  // unit direction of transmission
	  export float  kr	  // fresnel reflection coefficient
	  export float  kt	  // fresnel transmission coefficient

	  export vector Camb	// ambient component of result
	  export vector Cdiff   // diffuse component of result
	  export vector Cspec   // specular component of result
	  export vector Cbrdf   // result of brdf (amb+diff+spec)
	  export vector Crefl   // reflection component of result
	  export vector Ctrans  // transmission component of result

You can also view a lot of these by changing the "Output" parameter in the shader itself.

Hope that helps.

P.S: Sos Argentino? ... yo tambi

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I'd just like to add that I agree with all that you say. Good job.



Dammit, chief! I really wish you hadn't said anything -- that's two months of undercover work down the drain... we were so close!

Anyway... using Mario's account as a front, we managed to at least uncover some bits and pieces. Here's what we've got so far:

It's an international plot to start some kind of revolution codenamed "Viva" -- someone suggested it might be a reference to Zapata (a.k.a: "Mexican shoe"), but since so far none of the members are confirmed Mexicans, we've dropped that line of inquiry for now). The key bit of intelligence though, came with the mention of a secret meeting to discuss an "asado", which we've now decoded as an acronym for "All Singing All Dancing Ordnance" (!) ... clearly this has "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" written all over it.

Our cover is compromised. All further communications to be carried out over secure channel: 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0

Agent BRDF over and out.

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