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Dd, Nuke, Bay And Mr. Explosive...


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Have you already read this:

Michael Bay and the Edit of Transformers

I specially like a tone of interview with Bay at the very buttom :blink: . Also some interesting informations:

MB:I want to get into the game business. I bought 500-employee Digital Domain. I'm totally immersed in it. Sometimes I'm a control freak beyond control freaks. I try to keep people in top game, something I learned under Jerry Bruckheimer. It's who you surround yourself with. I've worked with people for years. Once people know your sensibility it's very easy to work.

fxg: What's happening with Nuke and Digital Domain?

MB:I bought The Foundry in England, too. We're taking all our software there. They'll hot-wire Nuke. It needs add-ons and stuff. I brought some guys over from ILM.

I've thought DD sold Nuke to The Foundry... not somewhat contrary...

I've heard from a good source that J.B. is "a number one ass..le of Holywood" and they hate one another with Spielberg. I wonder how was between Spielberg and Bay than..?

Nice article overall.



Edited by SYmek
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A friend of mine was JB's personal assistant for a couple of years. He just acts crazy and yells a lot, it's a fake out. He's really not an asshole.

Ask Spieldberg why he had beaten JB onces...

I hope you friend wasn't one of JB's bodyguards that he appears on a set with usually....

No, seriously, that wasn't my intension to defame anybody. More like a speculation. I'm glad to hear there is one asshole less on this world ;)



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DD and The Foundry are separate entities, and are thus under different financial managements, I believe.

Yup, no longer do Nuke's profits come DD, and conversely too - DD's fate won't affect Nuke. So we obviously have a very strong influence over the development of Nuke still and finally Nuke customers get the product support they deserve - along with greater faith in the future of their investment. I think of it like pushing the chick out of the nest.


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Yes I read this also, and it is for me at the same time scary an inspiring to see someone

so driven an focused, buying these people and companies to make his vision/ambition come to life

but for nuke it is amazing package and beside houdini my favorite!


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...scary an inspiring to see someone

so driven an focused, buying these people and companies to make his vision/ambition come to life

Oh, it's not all Michael Bay - there are a few really successful business partners who come with this type of strategy. MB is the giant visible icon behind it as well, but the strategy is (mostly) derived by some clever business dudes whose names you probably won't remember as easily:)

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