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FLIP volume loss once container moves (but not until movement)


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Alrighty, dealing with the perennial FLIP volume loss issue. Simple scene, just a rotating bottle. No volume loss at first, but once it turns sidewise and back it collapses. I've got the grid scale low and particle separation high (which stabilizes it at the beginning). This video is particle separation of 1.5 and 2/4 substeps, although lowering separation to 1 and substeps as high as 4/8 makes no difference, just takes longer to calculate. Reseeding is off, tried it with it oversampled which didn't help. Also tried as narrow band, same result. What am I missing?


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Seems like using a source to keep injecting fluid is counter to a closed fluid sim. I'm all for faking it, but how would you know how much and when to emit?

The gas equalize helps, but seems to only work through constant inflation. The end result is closer, but you can see in the beginning and end the whole liquid is rising. The add goal volume isn't keyframeable. This video is using an add goal of 1.5 (the example file's 62.5 was for a whole different scale and world). Is there a way to find a precise number to plug in there that does the trick, or is it just guesswork? I also tried 1.25 which didn't end up as close to the original, but even then still did the water-constantly-rising thing. 

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Thank you, Atom - very useful for comparison.  To my recollection, it has always been reseeding that has been the go-to for attempting to address volume loss in FLIP but this problem has always been around and always been the bane of that FLIP sims as bentway23 notes in his original post, at least on these small-scale sims.  With all the advancements since FLIP was first introduced, it's surprising to still have this nagging issue without a better soluation

Edited by ryew
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