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another poly head


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Hi all, here is a model which i have a fair outline for. This time i plan on going into detail. The bad news is i actually now have some other work to get stuck into for about two weeks so i have to leave it for a while. So any comments, critiques would be very much valued as i can step back for a while let it all sink in and go again and when i'm done with this new stuff.

btw, still have to do the ears, neck and i may as well give hair a try.


ps, and yeah this is the thing that was giving me hell with that edge loop post fusing....(yet to fix it)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Finally got back to this thing. But only in time to add ears and teeth as the end of week has arrived and i'm gone. Also tried wrinkles which i've never tried before - mmmm, bit iffy...

The other thing i had a real rush at was hair but couldn't get it going....I recall doing it in v4.1......anyway no time for now - there's always next week, must run....


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no go for a hair render,... oh well here it is as it stands so far ( the rest of it wasn't ready anwyay )...some magnet on the front of the head sort of took the ears away....anyway it's all playing, experimenting...like a sketch book

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The hairstyle is cool!

betty, when you render hair, mantra looks on the geometry for a geometry attribute called "width" to define the width of the hair.

(if you didn't know, mantra renders hair just like renderman - it renders a ribbon that always faces camera.)

so add an AttribCreate SOP, call the attribute "width", make it type float and in the value field, put a small number like 0.05.

try that, maybe.. let's hope it works. also, if not, try to convert your haiir splines with a Convert SOP to Bezier.


ps. if the attribute is missing, mantra will use a default value.

pps. you can manually orient the ribbon if you dont want them to face the camera (but i'm sure you do!) using a custom "orient" vector attribute, just FYI.

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i must say i really don't know mantra very well at all ( and that's an understatement ) so tbis isn't the first issue which has left me confused, left confused because i feel as if i've got everything down right.

I did add an attribcreateSOP with "width" in the 'name' parameter and it was a float. I mentioned this in the effects post, when i render with 'view mantra' it will render out correctly - but only when the hair alone is in view. When i include the head, mantra will die when it gets to point just before the hair is visible in mplay. ie, starts rendering from the centre as usual, all is going fine, the face begins to appear, but when we get up to the hair.....it dies on me just before the hair should come into view??!?!!

btw, my hair was a poly so i had it converted to a nurbs curve originally, i just tried converting to a bezier but it made no difference. The same things occured as mentioned above......mmmm...confusing

Anyway, i'll play with it for a little longer and put it aside if it doesn't work...i got this other idea for a model so i think i will start on that..

thanks again


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Do you mind telling us which version are you using? Also, did you set 'width' in the Local Variable parameter of the AttribCreate SOP?

Alternatively, you can attach a hip file with just the hair setup. We can help you to take a look at it, like sirogi said.

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