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How to take out lite from a particular part of HDRI image.

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Hello everyone ,

I am having problem in image base lighting my scene.

Scenario is

I have a sphere on which I m having my HDRI image in that image there is windown very bright so that is my key light portion

how do I make that area to illuminate my objects more other than that in Image base lightning

I have tried all method of GI lighting from

Environment lightning via environment lite and HRDI map placed in that

Area light turned into environment lite and the hdri placed on it


vex global illumination shader on lite template

but in all I cannot figure out how to rotate my sphere and get it to lite up on my exact location where I want the lite from the window to illuminate my scene .

I am posting the test hip file and the hdri for convenience .I will be very thankful for the help.



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hello Rob ,

I have figured it out Gallen Helped me wit that .

Just apply the map to your enviroment lite and rotate it at an angle of 45 90 180 270 and 360 and u will see the difference .

one more tip I would like to add to it is to watch you shadow direction once its going at the opposite way to the britest point than that will be ur key lite point.


Thanks Gallen for helping me out with that :)

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just a quick note on this:

if You place down the env light and hit enter int the viewport, You will get a manipulator (it's a dot with a slice of a sphere).

Now imagine that the dot is where the spherical image wraps, so the opposite direction is the center of the HDR image.

Hope it would make lighting easier for You.

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