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masking ray op?

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hi, I want to use ray op to project one poly geometry on another, but I'am interested in gradual fallof of the effect. So, is there a way to mask a ray op or point group chosen for projection with some fall of options or maybe using bitmap?

Thanks in advance


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simple example would be say project poly grid on the poly sphere (these are just simple example objects, real project is using two human faces, and the input is poly, so thats way I'm talking about poly op and using ray op). The grid is bigger than sphere, and after projecting using ray op, there would be very distinktive edge left. what I try to achieve is gradual fallof of ray op, so that there would be smooth transition from sphere shape to flat grid. Or in the real case of my project that just selected features like nose are geting shape from target geometry, and smoothly transits to original shape.

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nope, blend works just on objects with the same topology, which has the same amount onof vertices , polys etc.

In my case I have two different animated models of two different faces, and I need to get in some areas the same shape, without altering topology.

While with parametric surfaces it,s a simple case of using paste or creep, it isnt so simple with polys.

Thanks anyway

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