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Geforce 3 softQuadroed to Quadro DCC


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Hello folks I have a question. I am running a geforce 3 on a w2k platform and I have used softquadro to change it into a quadro dcc. But now when I am in houdini all of the parameter windows and op selection tabs are really blurry and get worse with every parameter change. I was wondering if there was any way to fix this or should I just go back to the old drivers?



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I think anytime you overclock or push something beyond what its designed to do then you're walking on thin ice.

My suggestion would be to go back to the old drivers and see what happens. If Houdini works fine, then you know its because of the softquadro...



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Are you on Linux or Windows? Care to give more detailed steps on how to upgrade to the latest Tcl/Tl libs?

Ah, just "good old" Windows. But speaking of this, I might change back to Linux soon. Since more and more is (becoming) available for this beautiful operating system.

Anyways, you can get the latest TCL/TK libs over at http://www.tcl.tk. Or http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActiveTcl/, if you are a Windows user (ActiveTCL has also all the modern libs in it and extensions).

Hope this helps, it did for me.

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