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Ok. I think this is the 65th hour... I am starting to lost count now... <_<

Tweaked the nose and the lips a little bit. Still have more work for those 2 areas. About 800+ polys on half side of the face unsmoothed. Looks like my previous estimation was off.

Again, is it male or female?

THanks, everyone! :D



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Hey Stremik

hmm... I watched a program on TLC about the human face (with John Cleese, really good). And they had some guy on there who has been studying faces and why we find some faces more beautiful than others.

Aside from the whole symmetry thing that he proposed, one of his points were that we're attracted to features that we would normally find in babies (men to woman anyway).

ie, full pouting lips, wide eyes, small nose etc.. I found it quite interesting, and when he pointed out these features in famous beautiful people, then I could easily see what he meant.

The point of this, I guess, is that I don't find those wide eyes out of place. In fact I know from a make up prespective, most women attempt to make their eyes look wider (and hence, more innnocent) through tricks with make up.

My 2 cents.


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Ok. Here's an update to what I have so far. I can say I am temporarily done with the face for now. As far as breaking the symmertry goes, I will have to wait until all the 1/2 side is done and fused before I can break it.

I was planning to get the neck done tonight, but I ended up spending time talking to my roommate across, whom I at first thought to be less than friendly, but I discovered today that she is just such a sweet lady. (Grrr... I don't like it when I am starting to feel like this... :( )

So, I'll get the neck done (hopefully) in the morning and then start working on the ear.

For now, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to model the body... :( I've never done it before...

I am going to need serious help when it comes to animating hairs (stylized) to get a convincing secondary motion... Advice? Tips? Anyone?

Critique, comment, complaint, "no idea", and "whatever" are welcome.




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Oh by the way, you're probably thinking that I haven't done much between this one and the last time that I posted.

Well, the truth is, a lot has changed. Most of them were much subtler, but noticible. I have to use light to make sure that the surface are just right.

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Hey Alex

Really looking forward to see how you are going to tackle the hair, i guess the blendSOP would be the easiest for animation but i'm stuck as to an easy solution for quite a fancy hairstyle, say a 60s beehive....mmm..sounds like a challenge....more on that later.

how are you going to have any problems with the body, you've done such a good job on the head already! i think you'll be fine.

here is a link that you may find handy for the body:


the first of five pages modeling a body. pretty simple and i think the model has pretty good form and may fit in with the level of realism you are after. the other good thing is how such a form is achieved with as relatively few polys. and the body is female.

enjoy and good luck!

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