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Simulation Cache

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Hey guys, where does Houdini save the simulation cache files?


I'm pretty new to houdini so i'm not sure if it's the right question. What happened is that, yesterday, i've let houdini simulating something for almost an hour and, when i realiseded, it had only half of the sim done. By half i mean the second part. It looks like it have simulated some frames and, because of cache space, it began to delete the first frames to create the new ones. 

I think that it might be saving the cache files on my primary HD, which is pretty small, so maybe the solution for it would be change where those cache files are saved, in this case to my seconday HD?

EDIT: In case you have the same doubt, here's a tutorial showing how to save your sims to disk.


Alvaro Edited by ParticleSkull
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From his post, I´m afraid Alvaro didn´t cache his files at all.

Alvaro, if you don´t want to use just your RAM cache (so, 99% of the time) there are two ways to cache sims.

If you are just interested in the result of the sim on your geometry, then most people use a "ROP output file" or a File Node at SOPs, or a Geometry ROP. With any of those you are saving the geometry or volumes, resulting from the sim.


For lucky commercial license users, there´s another alternative in the form of .sim files saved from a File DOP, to restart simulations half way, but I think that´s not possible with an Indie license (which I understand why it´s done, but it´s a major pain, because you cannot use Initial States) If they´re scared about people exploiting licenses, SESI should at least have a .simlc format for Indie users.

Edited by Netvudu
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H14 has made this very easy - the 'Output' node in Dops has 'Save to Disk' or 'Save to Disk in Background'


Then at the Scene level, on the AutoDopNetwork node, just check 'Playback Simulation' at the top of the parameters. When you then dive into the AutoDopNetwork a red 'Network in Playback Mode' will appear.

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Hey Marty, it sounds awesome! Altough i just made some tests and couldn't make it work. For some reason my files are not being saved. Do I have to enable something to save the .sim files?

Sorry if it's something obvious. I'm very new to Houdini so i'm not used to everything on it.

Also, Javier, couldn't make the Rop Output File work eighter. I think that this H14 Output node stuff looks much easier so i'll give it a try first.



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It will work automatically by creating a folder named 'sim' where the .hip file is.


You must be using Apprentice then; that won't save .sim files - you need Indie or Fx, and maybe standard Houdini .... you can always save out the .bgeo files though.

Edited by tar
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The File node also has a Read,Write and Automatic drop down setting. When you know your are going to Write the final sim data, set it to Write. Then when the sim has completed set it to Read. This is kind of like a lock to prevent future overwrites on an expensive sim. While you are still tweaking parameters leave it on Automatic.

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Its a combination of File SOP and ROP Output Driver - so instead of using these 2, you may put this one as it contains both of them.

You can use it as the regular File node (H14 only) or I prefer just to check Load from disk and press Render when I want to cache something.

Edited by rayman
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