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AlexNardini last won the day on June 14 2021

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  1. Hello, not sure you have followed the development but FLAM3 for Houdini ( The fractal Flame Algorithm ) is completed, and the source code ( CVEX ) is now on GitHub. Its a one to one match with Apophysis and others, minus some features like "Xaos" and "linked transforms" mostly due to execution speed so I opted not to implement them for now to keep it as fresh as possible. ( it is CVEX after all so still impressive it run this fast all considered ! ) Hope it will be of interest and useful to some one. More images, links and download on its website: https://alexnardini.net/flame-home/ Cheers Alessandro
  2. Hello, great work! Seem it is the FLAM fever again as so many people recently implementing it! I just finished an implementation of The Fractal Flame Algorithm too! Not sure how you did yours but I did mine entirely in CVEX. If anyone is curious you can check the results and download the tool here: FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini Its free and the HDA is unlocked so you can extend it if you like. ( the CVEX code is pre compiled tho because it was so much code that was the only way to keep it manageable ) The 3D version of the variations ar what they are, some work better than other and some are really hard to port into 3D so the 3D option is really there just for fun but consider it a 2D tool and you should use it that way. Cheers, Alessandro
  3. Hello, this reply came in very late but you can use this free HDA to handle FumeFX VDB caches inside Houdini, support from VDBs coming from FumeFX v5 and up: https://www.orbolt.com/asset/alexnardini::FFX_import::2.0 And use its companion HDA for any FumeFX VDB Layout needs: https://www.orbolt.com/asset/alexnardini::FFXVDD_import::1.0 Best, Alessandro
  4. Hello guys, I have some code running in a python sop witch is time dependent (using hou.intFrame() in there ) so the node cook every frame. However, Is there a way to force the python sop NOT to cook but only cook when is forced ( for example with a call back) ? Thanks in advance, Alessandro
  5. Hello everybody, i'm finishing coding a small raytracer that run in sop using vex. one of those thing I always wanted to try to do myself. it store everything on points so no rasterization plane as the idea was to have all the rendering data accessible for later use as you would with any other attributes. it is some sort of an hybrid in the sense that it is correct enough to try to make things look good. it feature many BRDF shading models, photon mapping global illumination ( mathematically done the simple way but it work) and full recursive ray's tree splitting for reflections and refractions. Here a few videos showing some of the feature and a big part of them are already available for download as an OTL for the non commercial edition for everybody interested with the hope it can be helpful to anybody that never coded those things before like me, as I learned a lot during the way. here the videos: This one have been updated recently with lots of new clips showing improvements there and there And this one got th GI part of it with a little demo at the end. download link in the description area: Hope you enjoy, best alessandro
  6. Hello br1 and thank you! yes I had a blast it was the only thing in my head for months.
  7. Hello, Not sure you ever stumbled on this work of mine but I wanted to post this anyway. This work didn't make it into the movie the way you see it in the video and although its been inspiring and helpful for other artists to accomplish the director vision it's pretty much remained a solely piece of home work And so I'm sharing a hip/bgeo file of what I did in my spare time before I took it further at work. With the hope there will be something useful in there for anybody here willing to give it a try. After all, sharing is caring! https://vimeo.com/106126363 Alessandro
  8. Hello Milan, this is just an amazing work you have put together and many many thank you in sharing it with all of us until today! I am testing it in my spare time and I love your implementation, handy, easy to use, quick and very powerful! Just wanted to say, keep up the good work!
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