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  1. If you download the asset from orbolt, it should download an (ugly) head demo. The maps for it are here: http://www.seven-visions.com/tools/skin_demo_01.zip, you need to put them into the same directory (or re-link them) For a better looking demo, try: http://www.seven-visions.com/tools/skin_head_demo.zip The help should be fixed in the build I recently uploaded.
  2. You can use "Import Point Attribute" vop node.
  3. Hi Simply define the variable as export in the surface shader and assign a value. For example: #pragma hint uv hidden #pragma hint Cd hidden #pragma hint myAOV hidden surface mySurfaceVEX( // IMPORTS vector uv = 0; vector Cd = 0; // PARAMETERS float ior_i = 1; // EXPORTS export vector myAOV = 0;) { myAOV = normalize(N); } The #pragma's are "cosmetic", this tells Houdini not to show those variables as parameters.
  4. Hi Aleks I just tested it and the normal version works (if I download the OTL from orbolt), unfortunately it doesn't seem to work if I launch it directly with Houdini, I guess it's an orbolt issue. That is the only option for Apprentice. :-( Send me an Email to bitteldany@gmail.com so I can prepare you an otl.
  5. You can get the world space normal from tangent space by multiplying the different tagent vectors (normal, tangent, bitangent) by the indexes. So if you have a vector v in tangent space. The same vector in world space is v.x * tangent + v.y * bitangent + v.z * normal. (Might have to check if it's this order) From world to object space, you can use ntransform.
  6. danylyon

    Color Blending

    Usually the opacity blending happens in Mantra, not on the shader, so I don't think you can change it directly. You can make a workaround though. Simply do your own refraction and combine them as you wish. Start with a raytrace vop (http://localhost:48626/nodes/vop/raytrace) and shoot a ray in the direction of the view. Get the color and combine as you wish. You will want to turn any opactiy off. Really love your works (on flickr) keep it up! Cheers Dany
  7. Create a VEX surface node. Copy paste this code: Feed in a (poly) sphere. #pragma range ex_nu 0 1000 #pragma range ex_nv 0 1000 #pragma choice BSDFfunc 0 "Phonglobe" #pragma choice BSDFfunc 1 "Ashikhmin" #pragma choice BSDFfunc 2 "Blinn" #pragma choice BSDFfunc 3 "Diffuse" #include "voplib.h" #include "voptype.h" sop prebuilt_BSDFs(float lightangle = 0, ex_nu = 100, ex_nv = 100, SpecScale = 1, BSDFfunc = 0;) { float lr = radians(lightangle); vector L = {0,0,0}; L.x = -sin(lr); L.y = cos(lr); L = normalize(L); // vector to light vector sP = {0,0,0}; // Point to be shaded vector Nn = {0,1,0}; // Surface Normal vector V = normalize(P); // vector to eye / view vector float NdotV = dot(V,Nn); vector R = 2 * NdotV * Nn - V; // reflection Vector bsdf SpecBSDF; vector X = {1,0,0}; vector Y = {0,0,1}; // tangents if (BSDFfunc == 0) SpecBSDF = phonglobe(Nn, R, ex_nu, ex_nv, X, Y); if (BSDFfunc == 1) SpecBSDF = ashikhmin(Nn, ex_nu, ex_nv, X, Y); if (BSDFfunc == 2) SpecBSDF = blinn(Nn, ex_nu); if (BSDFfunc == 3) SpecBSDF = diffuse(Nn,1, "label", ""); vector S = eval_bsdf(SpecBSDF, V, L); P = P * length(S) * SpecScale; }
  8. Beautiful chemical reacitons: http://player.vimeo.com/video/107976057
  9. Hi Nick Yes, you can do that with "eval_bsdf": http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini13.0/vex/functions/eval_bsdf This also works in geometry (SOP) context. So prepare your bsdf, go through eval_bsdf to get a specific value.
  10. Hi Rui Nothing to add for support curve. It really is excellent. Learning curve. The beauty about Houdini is, once you've learned your way around it's pretty easy to learn new features. It is always the same thing. No matter if you write a shader, make your own deformer or do something with particles, for example, it's the same paradigm. Houdini is definitely not only for VFX. VFX is probably the most complex thing you can do, so everything else is possible. I've done character animation in Houdini and had a blast. Especially rigging is very clean (It's easy to copy paste part of a rig to another character and reconnect what's needed for example.), I never had "double transformations", because it's always clear what's going on. Looking at your studio, I think it would be a great match. Especially because of it's procuderalism. It's very easy to do things like, have your IPhone spin with different Languages on screen. Then render all in one go. That being said, you might struggle with artists. Best would be if you have a senior Houdini artist help everybody out and guide the pipeline. If you solely relay on freelancer it might get tricky. I imagined there are a lot more max freelancers than houdini.
  11. Hi Kevin I did want to give it a quick test recently, but I got an error in the log, something along the line "service not available without subscription". Do I need to pay a monthly subscription for Mantra to run? Is the free (on demand) cloud not sufficient?
  12. I was now able to reference the vex files directly within the OTL. So no more extra files to install. This should also make it possible to render on a farm. (thanks to Jim and his BSDF asset gave me the hint!) Jordi: I've noticed that too, it will need some digging into it and will break backward compatibility. I put it on my bug list and will fix it for the H14 release.
  13. Hi Jordi I had a quick look at the Disney BSDF, great work from Jim. It's great that it's just a VOP node, so artists can extend it. There are no features that can't be done with my shader though. If you know where the controls are, they are very similar. I went a bit a different route. I wanted my shader as complete as possible. Including, flakes, displacement etc.. and being able to layer several materials together, out of the box. That what makes it (seem) more complex. I normally just need to paint some textures, choose a preset on the material and plug them in. Most of the time that's all that is needed. So I think it's quite artist friendly, no need to hassle with VOPs. Of course with jims shader, you get a lot extend ability and control. So, they are quite different.
  14. Hi Jordi There is a Change Log History on the orbolt page. Click on the text next to the version: (version log history) I only fixed a few bugs in the example files. If there's a major update, I'll send a newsletter. About the Disney BSDF, I haven't checked it out yet. Anything in particular you like that my shader misses / does differently? I made my own BSDF, because I really wanted to be able to adjust the peak of the specular. (see 6th image on the store page). Does Disney's BSDF do that?
  15. MrBag: You're welcome. You might set the gamma manually (linearize) on the textures, as 12.5 doesn't do that automatically.
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