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Found 5 results

  1. Let's assume a case scenario which counts many many high res solid objects, like rocks or fractured pieces. I can generate proxies and simulate those RBD pieces, then export the sim infos as points. In the end I use transform pieces to bring the original high res objects to the simmed ones. All good if this is performed in SOP, while I am struggling to bring the same aspect in LOP. To set a collection and a Prototype index attribute may help to sort the "variant" (as in copy to points) but Scale and Orient seem to go on their own accord. I do know there is an option to "Create Point Instancer" for packed primitives on SopImport, but don't really understand what it does under the hood. The hierarchy is different from a standard instancer. Also i cannot judge if the performance is as good as the standard instancer. Attaching the ref file below, if someone has good advice. Thanks! LOPinstancePieces01.hiplc
  2. Hello guys, I created an array in a point wrangle, then I tried to call its value in the next wrangle, but it fails! How can I fix it? Thanks for helping.
  3. Hey guys, I'm having this issue in TOPs: I have 9 wedges and the ropfetch is trying to run all 9 simulations at the same time. Is there a way to run 1 simulation at a time? The simulation is a bit heavy and I'm trying to simulate it in 1 machine (i dont have a farm). I know my machine can handle 1 of the sims running alone. It also works when I reduce the amount of particles Thank you PDG_Wedge_mp4_0102_odforce.hiplc
  4. i am trying to run over named primitives, but the for each loop seems to pick randomly for each iteration which batch to process. i want the loop to respect the sorted primitives and run over each named primitive as it is in the geometry spreadsheet. How does it pick the first batch for iteration number 0? can i change that? image 1 is before the loop,sorted primitives image 2 is inside the loop with a single pass to see iteration 0 As you can see the first batch the loop chooses to process is not the first batch as sorted before. First batch should be the one named color_229_229_0
  5. Hello, Trying to read a vector array from another point at a certain index. From my understanding of Houdini something like this should work. vector tempArray[] = point(0,"vectorArrayAttrib",pointToReadFrom); vector v = tempArray[index]; Unfortunately this method is returning an empty array from the point() function. If this is not the right way to go about doing this please let me know. Any help welcomed. Thanks.
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