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Found 5 results

  1. "As long as modeling put stuff in the right collection, it'll get the right material". But how do I put a model in a collection? how create a collection in the first place so later it gets picked up in solaris. here is the link with the exact time Chris Rydalch talks about it:
  2. Think Tank Training Centre, widely considered to be one of the leading schools worldwide for asset creation in both games and film, is currently working on innovative Houdini content. We are currently searching for amazing senior Houdini artists of all kinds to collaborate in content creation, particularly in the areas of Environments, Modeling, Lighting, Texture/Shading, and LookDev. If you have teaching/content creation experience and are interested in starting potentially right away, please reach out and we'd love to chat about opportunities.
  3. Hey pals, I'm trying to use the Substance Archive COP (https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/sidefx-labs-substance-plugin/) node and connect the op:`opfullpath('/img/img1/img_OUT{color}')` to the arnold standard surface colour input in shops. On the principleshader in the demo you can use the mentioned path to achieve this but with Arnold I cant quite figure out how to link this up. Maybe another node is needed to be plugged into the shader? Thanks, as always!
  4. Hey everybody! I am trying to work up my skills in surfacing by competing in this month's RenderMan challenge. I am currently using Mantra (because the RfH for RenderMan 22 doesn't come out for a few more weeks) but I have a few extremely basic questions about the workflow. I am using the Lookdev desktop, and using the built-in test geometry. 1. In the light bank data tree, I am only able to change intensity but not exposure. How can I change this? Do most lighters work in intensity or stops? 2. In the object appearance data tree, I am only able to assign materials at the object level. Is it possible to assign materials to groups from this UI? 3. When you lookdev terrain, is it more normal to scale your uv coordinates in the shader network or go back to the geo and use uvtransform to scale tiling textures up and down? Or do most people just use triplanar projections on background buildings and landscapes? 4. (Technical) I was looking into light instancing and found that with the template light you can write your own light shaders. But is that only in /shops? What is the current /mat way to write a light shader? 5. (Technical) I noticed that render times are faster with packed geometry, but then I lose all my material assignments. Why is rendering packed geometry faster? What is the currently accepted way to lookdev packed geometry without losing all your material assignments? 6. (Technical) How does light instancing work? It seems a little strange to me that the instancing tool is completely separate from the copy-to-points SOP. Is the instancing tool just running a for loop at IFD creation time? Are there any other common approaches to procedural light scattering?
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