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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I'm new here. I'm curious and would like to know how to achieve simulation results like the ones in this reference video using Houdini. I've been experimenting with the flip SOP and smoke for other purposes, but I'm not sure how to replicate the results shown in the video. https://www.istockphoto.com/video/ld-a-thick-amber-coloured-liquid-poured-into-water-gm1304200068-395422812 If you guys have an idea please help me, Thank you so much.
  2. Hi, I was wondering how to approach this effect since I tried an approach using particles on a flip solver and on top of that adding a pyro simulation to recreate the mist. But I'm having trouble to achive the "cone" look (attached image) since it keeps spreading and losing power while the particles travel. Thank you for your time and any idea is welcome!
  3. Is there a easy way to set a "speed limit", like we can do on packed, in DOP's? The velocity data is not available at pre- or post solve, and it's not possible to use a wrangle after the RBD solver (or is it?), so what would be a good solution here?
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