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Found 5 results

  1. Is it possible to use a curve to influence the vertices on a mesh like this grid?
  2. When I sweep along a curve which was built by taking a grid and running a carve on it, my sweep looks like this- However my I try to do it on a curve that was created by taking a line, and then copying to smaller lines on the ends and fusing, it looks like this- As you can see the corners are messed up. I assume this has something to do with vertices as the first example contains only 4 vertices and the 2nd has 6. I'm just wondering specifically what the issue is here and of course how I can fix it
  3. Hi, There is this guy expaining how and why to create a cage (used in substance painter) for a 3d model for a more accurate normal map, but he does it manually in Maya (pushing vertices one by one), how do I create a cage procedurally in Houdini?
  4. Hello there!! I want to do something really easy I guess, to create a list with all the vertices for each primitive. - I am working with a polyedron- How can I do that in VEX? cheers
  5. Hi everybody, Apologies if this has been asked a thousand times, but my searching hasn't found anything conclusive yet. I'm attempting to take a packed primitive and extract the polygon geometry data from the packed prims in my C++ ROP. Here's a rough sketch of how the code looks right now. I've omitted a lot of error checking code, but this is the gist: // the packed prim gdp = _sopNode->getCookedGeo(context, 1); for (GA_Iterator it(gdp->getPrimitiveRange()); !it.atEnd(); ++it) { // the GEO_Primitive of the sub-primitive const GEO_Primitive* p = gdp->getGEOPrimitive(*it); const GU_PrimPacked* pack = UTverify_cast<const GU_PrimPacked*>(p); const GU_PackedGeometry* pImpl = UTverify_cast<const GU_PackedGeometry*>(pack->implementation()); // dest has the mesh GU_Detail dest; pImpl->unpackUsingPolygons(dest); for (GA_Iterator jt(dest.getPrimitiveRange()); !jt.atEnd(); ++jt) { // now looking at the individual faces on the poly const GEO_Primitive* face = dest.getGEOPrimitive(*jt); GA_ROHandleV3 ptREF(&dest, GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "P"); for (GA_Iterator pt(face->getPointRange()); !pt.atEnd(); ++pt) { GA_Offset ptoff = pt.getOffset(); UT_Vector3 pos = ptRef.get(ptoff); // have the position of the points for this face } } } So, I have the points. Yay for that. Now I'm looking to figure out the vertex indices for these points. Some of these points being printed out are exactly the same, which makes me think the faces are sharing a vertex. How do I get those vertex indices from the face? I've been playing with a VertexMap, but the numbers coming out are all exactly the same as the offset, which makes me think I'm doing something wrong. If I have a polygon like: 1--------2--------3 | | | 4--------5--------6 I'd expect vertices 2 and 5 to be shared between the two faces, so my position information would look like: 1 (0, 0, 0) 2 (1, 0, 0) 3 (2, 0, 0) 4 (0, 1, 0) 5 (1, 1, 0) 6 (2, 1, 0) And my face index lists would be something like: Face A : 1 2 5 4 Face B : 2 3 6 5 How do I get that face index list information out of my GEO_Primitive for the face? Many thanks for any tips.
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