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Houdini 12 Wishlist


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> python code 'reporting / echoing' in another Output window ( probably attached to the python shell .. oc, for commands that are available in Py language )

wd increase the productivity + more quickly familiarize with commands + more ...



just saw this video from blender2.5 . there is a 'Report' state available in the scripting environment .

( video link below .. )


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For the far away animatable procedural factor, it would be cool if I could reference a parameter to a certain key frame. So key frames were like nulls I could grab info from to an extent. For one instance if I slide a set of key frames in the dope sheet the on/off switches for objects would be able to slide and the render range of that asset would slide. All thing you have to do independently. Unless you made a huge uber asset that had an image rop in it too.

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save as dialog and open dialog, allow you to rename, delete folders, and file names. They can be an optional set of check boxes in your preferences to keep it back wards compatible, but an option that allows you to be able to make a new folder should allow you to rename that folder, or delete it.

Also edit operator type properties should have a hide option in mac, not just full expand and close.

Adding Parameters:

Labels should have more control on their placement, like align left, center, or right, and be set up more like regular parameters like horizontally join to Next Parameter. Font and color options would be a cool edition.

Single Integers and floats should act like float vector parameters in their stackability, the slider should be an option you can check on or off.

Remove, or give the user the option to use the parameter options that are special and independent like the blend obj selection menu, and the group menus drop down menu of the groups(mostly when referencing this)

Ramp Parameters should be able to have there colors pre-set in a default like manner, like the rest of the parameter options.

Edited by LaidlawFX
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For the far away animatable procedural factor, it would be cool if I could reference a parameter to a certain key frame. So key frames were like nulls I could grab info from to an extent. For one instance if I slide a set of key frames in the dope sheet the on/off switches for objects would be able to slide and the render range of that asset would slide. All thing you have to do independently. Unless you made a huge uber asset that had an image rop in it too.

chf() and cht() I think will do this for you already. Kind of slow though, better to use CHOPs.

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my biggest wish is houdini never never been acquired by autodesk!! :lol: haha

that's possible for H12 i think .. =)

jokes apart ; i'll keep praying for that too , even though i think that's unthinkable .


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If that happens I'll move finally into apricot farming and leave 3D behind me.

Do you have room at your apricot farm for more people??? Otherwise I'm going back to Boston to buy a bar so I can watch red sox games constantly. God save SideFX from Autodesk.

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another wish ...

mostly related to the huge amount and really precious examples of HIP files , which many Hou users already have / will upload on forums .

> make it possible to have a section called " non-official-examples " from within Hou help system itself for any node .

my idea is to have a quick access ( without the need to jump and get lost in forums ) to those user-made HIP files .

a short description + a hip file + any external link ( the original thread / reference )

maybe we should be able and should also be encouraged to do that .

we wd help more effectively each-other , enrich the docs and help HouMakers in this direction ,

.. which once in a while might revise or relink the examples' posts to other nodes used in that example ..

.. i don't know guys .


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> make it possible to have a section called " non-official-examples " from within Hou help system itself for any node .

my idea is to have a quick access ( without the need to jump and get lost in forums ) to those user-made HIP files .

Funny, this is one of the suggestions I also made about two weeks ago to one of the technical writers at Sidefx in regards to the dops docs. The exchange is for tools or files, but I don't know if any of those files/tools make it in houdini as example files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny, this is one of the suggestions I also made about two weeks ago to one of the technical writers at Sidefx in regards to the dops docs. The exchange is for tools or files, but I don't know if any of those files/tools make it in houdini as example files.

+ quoting you also from a post you did yesterday here :

I agree the help file could do with a lot more info and a lot more in depth info about the underlying algorithms. I don't think it would hurt if they were to include how a reyes renderer works, or how this or that sampling algorithm works. Sure you have siggraph papers and books on the subjects, but why not include it in the docs online... Perhaps work in a "downloadable content" fashion. Where people that want the extended docs with all the graphs and maths can download this into their houdini build and have access to a lot more without bloating the daily builds.

> wd be great to have such infos accompanying the examples made from users . also agree with the fact that those would be part of a new and more elaborated version of Exchange web page.

so to sum it up ; let's build a Library . from within houdini wd be great to have the option to locally 'Download' and later 'Sync' with the latest additions or changes .

another suggestion:

> since there are many ways of solving problems in Hou and personally liking a lot this kind of helping / sharing / contribution / evaluating the best solution ; i wd suggest something similar .

maybe it wd fit better as a request to forums like this one or the official one , but ..

very useful to Hou , imho ...


Edited by zarti
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> a more accurate Ramp Editor Window .

( a tiny button near the ramp parameters wd bring up a small window , similar to that of Hue-Editor in HueCurve COP . see attached pic .. )



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I would also like to have a better documentation - Some of the nodes in vopsop-context are not that well documented. Also if there was some step by step examples in the documentation - That would be great.

I think the imageplanes options in Houdini is a bit rudimentary - It could be cool if there was the same options/workflow like in Softimage or Maya.

Better speed is also a wish.



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