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Ideas for efficient key mappings?


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I'm a lefty, so take that into consideration :).

So I use the keypad for most of my modeling hotkeys. Here's the list :

+ : Add to selection

- : Subtract from selection

* : Replace selection

I never use toggle selection....

. : Polysplit

0 : Edit

1 : Polyextrude

2 : Dissolve

3 : Polyknit

4 : reverse

Thats roughly it anyway, its been a few months since I've modeled anything. :). The cool thing is that I've still got a bunch of keys on the keypad to add to if I need another tool to add.


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My key map is goofy, but I'm used to it now and can't change, so these are my main keys for polygon modeling. I mapped them all with alt because I use some of the ctrl modifier defaults (ctrl+z ctrl+s, etc), which are duplicated with the alt modifier key in the default key map.

alt+q - Edit

alt+w - Edge Collapse (use it to collapse polygons as well)

alt+e - PolyExtrude (use it to extrude edges as well)

alt+a - PolyKnit (Poly Append in Maya Speak, that's why it's on a)

alt+s - PolySplit

alt+d - Blast

alt+z - Divide

alt+x - EdgeFlip

alt+v - Dissolve

alt+b - Cookie

alt+f - Facet (I moved find operator to ctrl+f)

alt+r -Sculpt (moved redo to ctrl-r)

alt+t - Crease

The rest of the OPs I either use much less frequently, or have a tendency to place in the network editor by clicking on the out put of the tile I want to append them to.

I use the default number keys up top to select primitive types.

Selection rules

alt+1 - Add

alt+2 - Remove

alt+3 - Replace

alt+4 - Toggle

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I'm a lefty, so take that into consideration :).

So I use the keypad for most of my modeling hotkeys. Here's the list :

Being a righty, I've always wished they made a keyboard that had the keypad on the left side instead of the right - anybody ever seen/heard of a keyboard with such a sensable layout?


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yeah... :)

actually, the sad part about my setup is that due to weird cramping in my left arm, I'm now forced to use the mouse with my right hand.

I'm going to have to see how it all works out next time I try and model something.

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Hmn... I wonder how hard it would be to cut a keyboard appart and flip the keypad to the other side...

Anyhoo, there's also these cool keypads you can buy that are perfect for one hand (small and neatly shaped). They have a limited set of buttons on it, but you can program them to be any button you want. I think that'd be perfect for use with houdini.... gonna have to look into that :)

Anyhoo, for now all I have mapped is:

[ -- subtract selection

] -- add selection

\ -- replace selection

using alt+ seems like a good idea... now I'll have to rething my setup :)


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