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Transfer animations between HIP files.


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I want to setup a HIP file that contains a low res character rig, that the animator will work with. In another HIP file I want to have a character that will be used for simulations, and in a third HIP file is the master scene file that is used for rendering.

How can I transfer the finished animation from the animators HIP file to the other two HIP files? Assuming that all three HIP files contain objects/parameters with the same names.


p.s. This is the work flow I use to do in 3ds Max, but if it's not recommended to work this way in Houdini, then please explain.

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Copying around animation are features that Houdini is sorely missing. I would love things like:

1) being able to Copy channels in the Channel Editor and then paste to other nodes.

2) to be able to Copy All Channels from a node's gear menu, along with Paste Copied Channels in that menu

3) to able to "Also Copy.." to append to a the parmClipboard (perhaps Shift+Ctrl+C?)

Saving out to .preset files to copy channels between nodes is really quite silly. And an elaborate CHOPs solution is complete overkill.


PS. I am RFE'ing these now -- I think I did some of this yeeears ago but I was at DD then.

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Thanks guys, a lot of options here, I'm going to review them all.

I'm going to have to look at the CHOPS approach. That wasn't an answer I was expecting, and maybe using wild cards for importing channels it could be made into a re-usable tool as long as the nodes follow a naming convention.

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