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point size in viewport? wireframe color? pointnumber borders?

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Is there a way to change your point size in the viewport??

and the color of the wireframe at sop level??

there is no .wb or bw file in my houdini12/settings folder like some say's at other forums.

also my point number borders/outline around the characters are way to thick.

anyone who knows or had the same problem??


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If you push "D" with the viewport active it will bring up display options. The point size is in pixels and is not affected by distance. If you change the point color value ("Cd") it should affect the wireframe color too.

thnx for your comment. but i cant find any point size there in de viewport menu. to set the point color was helpfull!!

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the .wb or .bw file is located in your Houdini installation directory -> config folder. You will then need to copy it to your local houdini preferences directory -> config folder and edit the values in that file. Hope that makes sense :)

Well in my houdini config folder there are no .bw and .wb files located.


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i also have a big outline wrapping around my point nummer so i cant see the numbers:


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Well in my houdini config folder there are no .bw and .wb files located.

you can copy the .wb .bw files from your installation directory. Example in Windows: "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 12.1.xxx\houdini\config\3DSceneColors.wb" :)

Edit: As for the point number thickness...you could switch to the H11 scene render into 3D viewport setting that will get rid of the outline. But you lose the new 3.2 OpenGL Viewport

Edit 2: What version of Houdini are you using? There was a tweak for the outlines of the text in version Houdini 12.1.75

Edited by xmetallicx
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Do you guys find the outlines necessary? I personally prefer the crisp text of H11, but it seems like this is added on purpose to the new viewport. The outlines also makes it impossible to see if there are multiple overlapping texts on the same point, which was very easy to identify in H11, where the text would just be illegible because of overlapping.

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Recent 12.1 builds also have a display option to detect coincident points (12.1.76+), which highlights the point and prints the multiplicity by the points, which is much more informative than garbled text. It is located in the Markers tab of the Display Options, under "Point" (Coincident).

The fixed point size is on the Geometry page, in the Particle section.

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you can copy the .wb .bw files from your installation directory. Example in Windows: "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 12.1.xxx\houdini\config\3DSceneColors.wb" :)

Edit: As for the point number thickness...you could switch to the H11 scene render into 3D viewport setting that will get rid of the outline. But you lose the new 3.2 OpenGL Viewport

Edit 2: What version of Houdini are you using? There was a tweak for the outlines of the text in version Houdini 12.1.75

thnx!!! i found the files!!!!

im using houdini 12.0.634 by the way...

im will try it!!! thnx

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Recent 12.1 builds also have a display option to detect coincident points (12.1.76+), which highlights the point and prints the multiplicity by the points, which is much more informative than garbled text. It is located in the Markers tab of the Display Options, under "Point" (Coincident).

The fixed point size is on the Geometry page, in the Particle section.

Thanks Mark, just saw this. Great tip :) Definitely more useful than overlapping text. Are these features also added to the daily build logs? I try to check it from time to time, but from what I know only bug fixes seem to be documented there.

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it appears that it is

Monday, September 17, 2012

Houdini 12.1.76: Implemented a point display option to detect coincident points, and display a marker and the multiplicity at such points. This is a screen space operation, which makes it realtime but also gives it some limitations. First, the model being inspected should be close to the camera to avoid false positives (the GPU's Z-buffer only has limited precision at far distances). Second, small clusters of points on the object should be inspected at close range for the same reason.

The display option is implemented for the GL3 renderer and can be accessed in the display option dialog, in the Markers tab under Points.

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