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Polygon editing


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Hi, everyone.

It's been a while since my last post.

I was wondering (I never do modeling) Is there any tools in Houdini

that can be use to separate object from an OBJ file.

Exemple ;

You have a car modeled in Maya containing different parts, you save it as an OBJ .

When you open this file in Houdini with the file Sop it becomes one Object.

When this happens in Maya you use the Edit Polygon > Separate tool and each different

object are separated.

Is there an equivalent in Houdini. I tried the group sop but it select faces.

Second question is Is there a way to delete edges in Houdini without deleting the all face.

(Like in maya you can delete edges and points)

Thanks in advance


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make a group for the connected polys, and do a series of deleteSOPs to delete non-selected. from you description i'm seeing you have a bunch of individual pieces of the car found in your fileSOP. The best bet is to break them out and continue from there.

if the pieces are still connected, you will have to break them apart, and separate them.


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