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RenderMan renderers and Houdini 5

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Hi all,

I need some help/Tutorial on how to setup PRman 10 and Entropy to work with Houdini 5.

I've been looking through the manuals and they explain how but only in UNIX format and not in Win.

So here are my question, hopping for someone to help.

1- What are the necessory Env Variables for PRman to work :D

2- What are the necessory Env Variables for Entropy to work :D

3- How can integrate my own shaders into houdini, I've managed to make ONE :D Env Variable that makes PRman 10 work, I think it was xxxxx_STPATH and directed that to xxxxxx\PIXAR|PRMAN-10\LIB\Shaders\, also I had to add prman.exe in the path varibale so the renderer is launshed. This help in rendering (maybe) the starting scene with the shader (Plastic) although I doubt. but I was able to open open the shader parameter from the Obj Par menu and houdini opend the plastic.sl file.

BUT, I made a simple shader using Slim and added that to PRman\shaders dir (How can I reference my own) and it didn't open a parameter window for it, Houdini simply see it but no option (I think I have to write them my self).

So again, How can I integrate my own shaders, have Houdini write a simple UI for me to edit the shader, Add the shader to the Drop down menu in Houdini and in the Shader panel. :D

4- OUTPUT. When dealing with PRman the spec are there, but when swhitching to Entropy the spec are the same, I know this is not true cause Entropy have different setting than PRman and most noticbly is Caustics and Radiosty/Radiance, So how can display Entropy specific manu.

5- Entropy Again :D, How can I intergrate my own Entropy Shaders like PRman. do I need to have a different setup?

6- SubD's. Does PRman/Entropy take the SubD level from a normal SubD Houdini Filter?

7- How come I can't use Preview P-Rman even after setting the env varibals and been able to render through the output?

8- IT would be nice if someone can describe a file structure on where to put my own shaders with Houdini. do I have to edit something, do they need to be ina certin place.

9- when using a PRman shaders in the SHADER Panel, I can't seem to

assign these like normal SHOPS! (e.g, there is no drop down menu/Selection box to select the shader from.) Even If I write the shader name nothing gets rendered! Do I have to write the FULL path? Do I need to use a General Shader for that?

I think that's all I can think of right now, Sorry for the long/boring questions, and thank you for reading this far :D

Thanks in advance


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Hi I3D,

I am going to be writing up a tutorial for Houdini/Prman that is geared toward students and new users. If you can hold on a bit longer that'd be great. I have to use my school's prman to re-test what I know.

I'll give Houdini/Entropy eval a try. Not sure how much I can figure out. But I am sure that some of the basic setup are very similar to prman.

THanks. :)

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Yeah, i am having some issues with setting up renderman on NT also. All the paths seem to be correct. I even double checked in the cshell. However when I go to the cshell and type which render it directs me to the directory where Render.exe is for Maya and not Houdini. So, in other words, it reads something like F:/PROGRA~1/Maya4/bin/render. I guess Maya just took it over. Of course, when i set this up at school on our SGI's I had absolutely no problems. I'm sure it's something I'm overlooking though.

Nevins Duret

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However when I go to the cshell and type which render it directs me to the directory where Render.exe is for Maya and not Houdini. So, in other words, it reads something like F:/PROGRA~1/Maya4/bin/render. I guess Maya just took it over.

Try using a different command. Something like "prman" instead of "render"

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Hello all,

It was definitely an env.variable issue that made PRMAN unable to function properly. I also didn't know that you can point to the prman executable inside the "Render Command" tab inside ROPS. The first step in getting PRMAN to work is to make sure that the paths and variables are set properly. To quickly resolve this, simply right click on MY Computer>Properties>Environment. If you want me to list all the variables that need to be checked just e-mail me. I'm lazy at the moment. Also, inside the ROPS, under the "Render Command" prompt, you can type the path to where the prman.exe file is located. This will save you a lot of time and aggrevation. For some odd reason, Maya takes it over because it points to where Maya's Render.exe file is located when I typed "which render". The third thing I almost forgot to mention is you have to rename the folders because they have spaces in them which neither Houdini nor the Cshell can stomach. To simply resolve this just get rid of the spaces, and make sure you get rid of them while inside the Environmental Variable setup. If you guys have anymore questions, just post it. And, I'll be glad to walk you through it. I was really surprised at how fast it renders. It smokes!!


P.S. Thank you Stremik for the reply!!Most appreciated!!

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Hello All

I tried this with H4 it worked fine.

There are few key thing (on NT):

1. Add env:

Path = c:\pixar\..\prman\bin - for prman

Path = c:\exluna\..\entorpy\bin - for entropy

2. In render comand type:

prman OR entropy

This should work.

Another way is turn on generete script in render properties. It will do RIB.

From my experience the most difficult thing is how to register my OWN shaders into houdini dialog box?


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Thanks alot Rafal.

But I already did that to access the PRMAN adn ENTROPY exe files, but there's more to it than that.

There's another VER you should set that is the SHADER_STPATH, that you need to reference to your SL, SLO files (espicially those that come with PRMAN) so you can access them from the PRMAN shader menu.

the biggest problem lies when you try to ADD your own shaders (I there's a script that adds the SHADER and another one that writes a GUI for the parameters) but other still other VAR need to be added and decalred so PRman can funtion properly.

Also, you'll notice once you add the prman.exe to the path you can render but the materials don't get converted. Those are the Default materials laoded in Houdini, not the shaders. what this mean you SHOULD be able to use standard MATERIALS from within houdini insted of shaders, and of course you can use shaders. So for the time bieng this is broken, I have nno Idea why but I think it has to do with missing VAR.

Also, try adding a PRman Shaders from the Shader Panel, any one, and you'll find that you can't render with it.

Anyway thanks for you help


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Yeah, I'm still having the same problem too, but i did manage to solve the whole path issue and I can compile my shaders and use PRMAN commands in my shell just fine. You have to add the bin directory for PRMAN to the "path" that is already there if you are running NT or Windows for that matter. So, I no longer have to add the whole path to the "Render Command" dialog, it just renders know with just prman in the dialog box for default. Now my only problem is setting up the SHADER_STPATH. The only thing that I disagree with you on is the whole shader panel business. It works just fine for me. It also works when i specify them via the rishader node on the SOP level, and also if I'm not mistaken those are the same shaders in the default. Correct me if I'm mistaken I3D. Thanks again for the posts guys.


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1. The shaders path problem :

Houdini Let you add a line to your script( RIB ) and I add this :

Cam Op > Rendering > Pre-Include :

write this ->

Option "searchpath" "shader" ["c:/entropy/shaders"] or where you compile your shaders for PRMAN ../lib/shaders

But I think for PRMAN there is env :

RMANTREE and point it to c:\pixar\prman

2. Register Shaders : With RDC (Render Dot C ) you take a prog :

RMANDS.exe. It makes dialogs for rman shaders.

Visit renderdotc site for eval version.

3. I spied how to make a dialog manualy but it's difficult way. You should edit 4 files and change attributes. If someone needs help I write how to do this


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I see it's a common problem setting up houdini 5 with renderman.

I don't have any problem in rendering with PRman but I'm having problems in using my own shaders.

I've set up all the environment as required (RMAN_SHADERPATH,...) and the directory structure as well, created .ds file, but I can't see my shader inside Houdini.

Any clue?



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It's a wild guess but maybe this is the problem with this particular 5.0.94 release?

Same thing would happen with 4.0!

But 4.1 worked like a charm with PRMan. Everything would be detected automatically during install(exept for RMAN_SHADERPATH etc. which you have to create manually). So I guess if it is the case with 5.0.94 than in 5.5 this problem will be eliminated.

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The environment variables have changed:


When the shader path is not specified in the RIB output driver,

this environment variable is checked. If this variable exists,

it's value will be output to the RIB stream. If the variable

doesn't exist, then no shader path will be output to the RIB file.


When the texture path is not specified in the RIB output driver,

this environment variable is checked. If this variable exists,

it's value will be output to the RIB stream. If the variable

doesn't exist, then no texture path will be output to the RIB file.

You have to source the houdini_setup file before performing the following:

To check the validity of your environment variables, type 'hconfig' in a Cshell.

To get a list of all environment variables, type 'hconfig -h'. If you would like to output the list to a text file for future references, type 'hconfig -h > hconfig.txt'.

Please do not include the quotes ( ' ) when typing the commands.

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Thanks stevenong for valuable advice!!!

I reviewed all variables in generated hconfig file and one of them REALLY attracted my attention! HOUDINI_OGL_SOFTWARE it is.

It says that if this variable is set, Houdini will be forced to use software OpenGL rendering!

Does anyone know what kind of software? Is there something like that available for Windows? Does it equally replace OpenGL accelerated hardware?Is it related only to rendering the final image or Houdini will use it for everything? (as in GUI)

By the way. Where can I find out what are the values for all those variables?

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I reviewed all variables in generated hconfig file and one of them REALLY attracted my attention! HOUDINI_OGL_SOFTWARE it is.

It says that if this variable is set, Houdini will be forced to use software OpenGL rendering!

Does anyone know what kind of software? Is there something like that available for Windows? Does it equally replace OpenGL accelerated hardware?Is it related only to rendering the final image or Houdini will use it for everything? (as in GUI)

Erm....you wouldn't want to set that. Basically, it only helps to get Houdini to run on non-accelerated graphics cards or graphics card that don't support OpenGL. Instead of the graphics card driving the OpenGL, your CPU will be used. That's not good. :(
By the way. Where can I find out what are the values for all those variables?
The values differ depending on what you want to set. Example HOUDINI_OGL_SOFTWARE expects an integer, ie 1 or 0, which turns it on or off. HOUDINI_RI_SHADERPATH for example will expect a string, ie path_to_folder, which tells Houdini where to look for shaders(Renderman, not sure about Entropy)

For users new to Houdini, it's best to leave them alone unless necessary. ;)

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By the way. Where can I find out what are the values for all those variables?

If you type just "hconfig" then it will show you the values of t he variables that have been changed from the default. If you type "hconfig -a" then it will show you all the variables and their values used including the default ones.

For hconfig help, type "hconfig -"

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