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Edit Parameter Interface Of Standard Nodes?

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Hi All,


I am wondering if there is any way to edit the parameter interface for standard nodes. Take the Line node for instance. It's length has a range of 0-1. I want to extend that range so I click the Gear icon, and select the value but the fields are all greyed out and I can not set a range. Is there a way around this?


I do realize I could create an additional float parameter called "my_length" and set a custom range for that. Then copy and paste relative into the original length. But that seems kind of kludgy.


Is there a way to unlock standard node settings to extend parameter ranges?

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No.  These parms are what are referred to as 'base parms'.  They must always exist on the nodes so they are automatically locked and not editable.  There are longstanding RFEs however to allow you to be able to modify them in ways like this however.  

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No.  These parms are what are referred to as 'base parms'.  They must always exist on the nodes so they are automatically locked and not editable.  There are longstanding RFEs however to allow you to be able to modify them in ways like this however.  


I can see why that RFE has gone unanswered. It could get way out of hand really fast. Could you imagine how much more difficult it would be for the support folks if people are dicking around with the stock nodes? If you want to customize your nodes there no reason why you couldn't have a "Atom Line" SOP and just use that instead of the default.

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  • 4 weeks later...

what @acey195 said - link up your spare parameter, and then go to the gear icon - save permanent default.

now every time you lay down the line node, it's going to be setup as you want it


I have several of these - blast node with delete nonselected checked, so I usually isolate instead of deleting; group node using  `strreplace($OS, "group_", "") to have automatic group naming,  etc

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"save permanent default"

I have tried using that feature in the past and it seems to be broken, at least in Apprentice H14.


For instance I am always "fixing up" the Mantra node with a few defaults that I like every time I create a new one. I change the field to the new value. I right-click and choose "Make Current Value Default" and then I close out of Houdini and relaunch. Once again I lay down a Mantra node and sure enough my new value was not saved. I still see the old original value.


Is there some other trick to locking in new defaults?

Edited by Atom
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I am doing it from the gear icon, not per parameter like you are suggesting...

and it appears to be the exact problem...



I saved per parameter with right click, save as default values, restarted houdini, no go

saved from the GEAR icon >> got a "saved to bla bla houdini config bla" message >> restart houdini >> it works....

Edited by cojoMan
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