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writing node procedures


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Hi folks,

how do you make your notices during development of new, more complicated scenes? I dont find an entrance to it. Just wrinting down the nodes is a bushwa. The interconnections between attributes an other nodes for instance. I looking forward to find a kind of "grammar" to write it down cause I'm used to work with a piece of paper in the beginning. Or is it only me?

Ok. there is a new illustrate node in the updated qlib Librarie but still more ore less useless.

Any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation

Edited by Follyx
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I think it might just be you. And I'm going to quote Shreikback on this...

In the time it takes to write about doing it, it could be done.


But I understand, we don't always have Houdini in front of us when an idea occurs.


What about just using python code as your grammar? Kill two birds with one stone.

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Guest mantragora

what r u guys talking about?

I didnt get anything from the question asked


Shhh... don't interfere. You will break the magic spell. It's a Noob to Noob talk. Very low level stuff. You will never understand.

Edited by fântastîque Mântragorîè
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Shhh... don't interfere. You will break the magic spell. It's a Noob to Noob talk. Very low level stuff. You will never understand.


even when it's friday (TGIF) don't make funny jokes.... i have to work... or something like that :-)


Seriously part:

1. Plan before you begin (a good tip: https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/131/387947202_03550cf046_b.jpg i have seen this building 1000 times in real !!! :-)

2. When you Build a Complex Scene Split it in parts 

3. Naming and Coloring Define a Color that makes for you sense (example: Yellow -> all the Lights, Orange -> nodes that are used for Debuging,

Naming: TYPE_OBJECT_WHAT_NUMBER example: Lgt_Character_Env_001 ) a older Tutorial: https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2262&Itemid=362 (at about 28:00) 

4. there are Options in the network view (press d -> Network view -> Dependency -> show **** )

5. for network documentation you have network box and sticky notes (same same like in NUKE)

6. make Digital assets of components that are reusable (You have got there a Help System WIKI based for documentation)

7. Make a structure how you build your Production Pipeline


i think something like that you wanted..... if not i'm in the Friday mood so where is the beer :-)

when you want you can make a private message to me in German that explains your problem as Diego i didn't get your problem 100%...

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Wow, what a civil commotion for a per se intrinsinc and eligible question. Maybe my wording was a little distressed.

eJust wanted to know how you are design and quote a project at the beginning and during development. Not everybody is starting just into the sky. Want to know your procedere for it. Its not so quaint. In other languages you could use software for it....


@fantastique Mantragoride:

Thank you for your kindly, indirect advice:

Unfortunately this was your own goal. Seems to be youre one (noob):



Newbs are those who are new to some task* and are very beginner at it, possibly a little overconfident about it, but they are willing to learn and fix their errors to move out of that stage. Noobs, on the other hand, know little and have no will to learn any more.


Never read such a cheap and gratoitous post in here. I'm sure that this was an isolated case in this more than prof. Forum. What doesnt meen thats a single case for you as well. Just one brick short of a full load... Sorry.

Edited by Follyx
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Guest mantragora

My comment wasn't directed at you (or your Houdini skill), rather at Atoms English language skill that allowed him to decipher what you wrote in your post. You didn't get the joke because your English skill is to low, and your first post is a perfect proof of this.


People here will happily help you, but if half of your post is written is some prehistoric English dialect that even native English people don't understand, than you have to expect some funny reactions.

Being mad at others just because you didn't took time to polish your post more makes your reaction really Noobish. 




BTW. What word 


means? Is it even English? Edited by fântastîque Mântragorîè
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