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Attribute at a given frame ?


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Hi everyone,

I'm junior with houdini, so is it possible to returns the value of a point/prim attribute at a given frame ? with expressions or nodes ...
I want to use the age of my particles at a given/last frame, in a stamp expression... 

Like a point expression, but at a given frame ^^ 


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If your point source for the Copy node contains attributes you can reference them in a stamp simply by typing the name of the attribute you want to stamp in the Attributes Stamp field under the Stamp tab. Remember to turn on stamping as well.


Then you can just use the attribute name as if it were a stamp variable.

Edited by Atom
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Hi atom, 

Many thanks for your quick reply, but unfortunatly that doesn't answere my question, I want to return the value of an attribute at a given frame, for example, I need to return the age of a particle at the 250th frame of my timeline.
I tried chf(...) or cht(...)  expression to return the value of a variable at a given frame/time but doesn't work ... 

I'm new on houdini and I try to learn by myself, but today your help is welcome.


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well you can get the value in attribute VOP or there can be many other ways

in attribute VOP 

frame => compare (Equal==250) => twoway switch =>add attribute (call it whatever name e.g. test)

age connect to input1 of twoway switch

and then stamp the attribute test

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Ok, now I see what you want. You are on say frame #1 and you want the age attribute of frame #250.You may want to just drop down a python node and use setTime to move to the frame you are on then fetch the attribute and then set the time back to the current frame.

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