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Linux distributions?


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Hi, Lukich!

As it is accepted to speak, Linux is, first of all, kernel.

From the point of view of designer, animator etc. distro is unimportant, because you always can select any of the existing interfaces, be it KDE, Gnome, IceWm, BlackBox etc.

The main difference between different distros consists in that, to what user it is oriented distro. For example, Linspire was originally assumed as replacement of Windows (making it possible to carry out tuning system and installation of programs into "two clicks"). Mandrake are also very friendly to the "non experienced" user.

All of this distros are based on the precompiled packages. There exist also source based distros (Gentoo, Slackware, CRUX and other) which are characterized by more high demands for the experience of user (this is concerns only the administration of system, but not to work with UI).

The charm of source based distros consists in the flexibility of tuning ystem for the requirements of user and hardware. System is compiled under concrete hardware. It is also worth noting convenience in the administration (certainly they will be necessary some habits. I like Gentoo).

Of course you always can rebuild any distro for your hardware, but for source based distros this almost that mandatory requirement.

So that the best solution is simple to try different distros, to spend on this period (not day or two) and to solve for itself, which to you is more on the soul.

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For running Houdini, it's probably best to pick one of the distributions listed here though:


The problem is that while in theory you should be able to run Houdini on any Linux distro, it's a real pain to make sure you have the right kernel, compiler, & lib version matching just right if you're using a distro that no one has tried running Houdini on before and figured all that out.

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In addition to that list, I can confirm that Houdini runs fine on Fedora Core 2 (well, for me at least). Whatever linux distro you choose, it's also very nice to know how much support you'll be able to get from the guys and Side Effects and everyone here on od.force, the SESI guys have always been fantastic with helping people get their systems working properly.

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