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Crowd simulation : INDOOR


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Hi there,


I'm testing houdini as a tool for crowd sim, but I'm getting weird results (I'm very new to houdini).

I can create a crowd and manage it quite well, as long as I'm not getting into what I really need -> indoor sim.


So I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried that kind of indoor crowd sim?

By indoor I mean that I need the crowd to enter a room, via a stair, then go to another room through a doorway.


For that I'm using boxes as obstacles to avoid the agents to go through walls, and it makes the agent kind of slow and stopping at doorway or any narrow passage.

I reduce the near avoid force and distance a lot to get them to pass, but it's still messy.


Also, another problem is that the agents always penetrate other agents, even with tweaking the avoidance settings :/


any help would be much appreciated!





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There's a few separate radius / particle scale settings (on the Crowd Solver DOP and others) that all need to match up. If they don't, then that might explain it. You also don't mention whether you're using H15 or not because there were improvements in this area over H14. Other than that, it's hard to say without a sample scene.

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Hey Edward,

I'm using H15, and the "few separate radius / particle scale settings" you mention is nowhere to be found : / (for me at least).

Maybe you're talking about the avoidance settings I mentioned ? It's in the crowdsolver inside crowd_sim.


I've played a bit with the particle scale multiplier (in crowd_sim/crowdsolver/avoidance settings) and it's making drastic changes! It's at 1 by default, and if I make it less it works better (still some agent penetrations tho).

And if I make it bigger than 1, then agents just penetrated each other all the time.

I would have thought the exact opposite ! making them bigger would make them collide earlier, but no....  weird.


I'm going to prepare a light version for anyone here willing to help.


thanks for your time!

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ok, playin around with  various targets and triggering method lead me to a decent sim.


thanks for your input guys :)


much appreciated.


(looking on how to make this thread SOLVED....)

Edited by 6ril
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