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Edit Post Doesn't Work Anymore?

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After the massive crash of the site edit post no longer works. I get a panel for reason to edit and no reason is accepted. Save or Cancel don't work.


NOTE: I can edit in this forum, but the Effects forum, I can not.

This link in particular is immune to editing.


Edited by Atom
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hey Marc, I just edited a post, and it's not showing.

just to let you know.


*EDIT*(working)  oups, my bad, I can see it now, sorry, ignore this post !

Edited by 6ril
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Personally I like that you edited a post about how you can't edit things :)

Glad it's working though, I don't really know what was wrong in the first place so it would be tough to fix. 

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I think it is related to using [ code ] stuff [ / code ]. If I type it manually I run into problems, if I use the tool bar it seems to work. I guess this new board does not fully support the old-style bbcodes. I really mis being able to turn the editor into non foofy mode and just type what i want.

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Yeah the bbcode stuff is mostly gone, I certainly wouldn't rely on it. The price of progress, I guess. I kinda wish it hadn't gone too, but I'm sure it's something we'll get used to.



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