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Copy in normal direction don't work

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Hello guys, i have a simple setup with an dop network.

For some reasons i lose my normals? (not sure) when my geometry is calculated over the dopnet.

I wanted o copy some tubes on the "big tentacles" but the copied cubes did copying in the normals direction.

Picture 1: wrong normal direction after dopnet

Picture 2: right - i want to achieve this

i uploaded my file here swell



Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-23 um 11.23.06.png

Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-23 um 11.24.00.png


Edited by jackassol
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The problem isn't that your normals are changing, but rather that they aren't changing with your geo as it deforms. 

Removing your  "UP_DIRECTION" will force the normals to be recalculated as the shapes are copied and thus they will go with the deformed geometry.

However, Im guessing you want to use the special vectors you calculated in that node to direct your copied pieces. So keep  "UP_DIRECTION" on and use a "rotate by quaternion" along with the orient attribute to modify the normals as the object deforms.

As a side note remember that the normals you are using for copying are probably not the ones you want to be using for any rendering, so adjust accordingly.


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