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Mongolia pictures


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  danteA said:
What were the holes that caused this pic?


Hi all!

Thanks for the great compliments...

Those circles are reflections of sunlight off square window panes of the building across the street. I loved the circle vs. square thing happening.

Yep - everything is written in cyrillic but not in Russian - it's written in Mongolian. There are a few places you can still see the old Mongolian text which is so beautiful. You see it mostly in the monastaries and old texts.

Stremik; where are you from? I wanna go there too then! :) I loved the entire experience.

The camera was a simple little Canon S200 Digital Elph.. it was a perfect little camera to travel around with. I disguised it like a box of Marlboro cigarettes to avoid whipping out a whopping 35mm SLR (which would just break the moment.) With a 256MB CF card, I took hundred's of photo at high res. I'm not a photography hobbyist but I really like good pictures so I like to take the time to find a good shot.


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  Szymon said:
yup, we are :)

Is everything there written in Russian there? Even buildings are same style  :lol:

It's Cyrilic! I'd thought you'd know! Since I think you're closer to Russia than any of us here on the forums :D

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I read about Mongolia and, also, I made a report once about China (in my high school days). I'd love to go to either (preferably both) of these countries. Especially since I know quite a bit already about these countries...

A few questions (and comments)

Mongolian TV, eh? :D


How was this intereference caused? Did you edit this picture? I mean, it looks pretty nice. I only have no clue where you taken it (and how).


Ooh, now this is nice! The writing inscriptions remind me of Thai and Indian.


Governmental building? The sides, of the text, appear to be traditional Mongul, or I am mistaking them for decorations here now! :)


I am a sucker for this! (I love history and culture, was one of my favorite subjects in high school. I still read a lot about it). I do happen understand a little Cyrilic... Unfortunately though, this seems different than (say) Russian.


Hooray, yaks! Care for some cheese? :)


Personal question, sorry about that, is this your girlfriend? She appears to be wearing traditional clothing!


In Russian these are called "slavars". Anyways, it's always wise (not to mention handy) to learn the language a little bit from the place where you're staying! (What else could I expect from Houdini users? :))


I won't bother you anymore! I really enjoyed these photos. And thanks for sharing these with us Jason!

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I lived in ... umm... Kharkov... that's my best guess on how to write it...

yeah, I was there for grades 6 and 7. I actually switched schools a coupple of times... can't really remember why. But I ended up in a really cool school, that was focused on arts, so I had fun.

What brought you there? (Work?)

My dad was working there, so we (the family) came along.

I heard it's changed a lot since I left. I left right before the CCCP broke appart, and I could already see a lot of changes. For one, we could buy bananas :) But I talked to a friend recently, and she said it actually got a lot worse. :(

Have you been back there at all Stremik?


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  Jason said:
I disguised it like a box of Marlboro cigarettes to avoid whipping out a whopping 35mm SLR (which would just break the moment.)

...and that's exactly why we like you, man!

WOW, now that's a way to travel ! camping in the desert and all....

simply amazing...how did you put the whole deal together, was it pretty much a custom planned-built-trip?

I noticed you had some of those good Canon panoramas going on, did you stitch those? I could do it if you're out of time...



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hey Stremik,

(i realize this isn't about foreign experiences, sorry)

you are currently living in chicago??? rad. that's where i'm at right now. are you using Houdini for work or just using it on your own?? i didn't think just about anyone else used houdini around here.

(please continue foreign discussion)

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