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Move points at render time?

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Hi all,

I wasn't sure whether to put this into shading or effects, so it just ended up here.

The title says it all - is there a way to move points at render time? Just apply a noise or something like that, essentially a render time VOP Network.

The reason is I have a heavy piece of geo that just needs to sit in the background and wobble slightly. That's all. It seems very wrong to write out geo for every frame.

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cannot you use displacement (i.e. translation along normal maps)  for that? If this is what you need, then it's possible (I don't know details though!). But I am thinking, if you just want it to move slightly side to side only (i.e simple translation), why don't you just animated it's translation? Maybe you can do both, use translation to do side to side and normal maps to add more character to it...

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Unfortunately no, neither of those will work. What I'm after is some sort of underwater wavy motion. I can do this just fine, but it means I have to write geo out for every frame, which is very wasteful.

Imagine you are rendering something like some underwater kelp gently swaying in the current. A simple moving displacement will work fine, but I cannot see how that can be done.

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To me there is nothing wrong in writing out geo. My final scenes are often just a bunch of playback nodes of geo sequences. What are you saving that disk space for anyway, Christmas (my Duke Nukem reference...)

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4 hours ago, Atom said:

To me there is nothing wrong in writing out geo. My final scenes are often just a bunch of playback nodes of geo sequences. What are you saving that disk space for anyway, Christmas (my Duke Nukem reference...)

We can have very long shots (my current one is 3200 frames) with heavy geometry. You can see my issue I'm sure :D

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