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[SOLVED]Wind Blown Paper Stuck To Camera?


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Hi All,

I am trying to come up with a way to art direct a piece of paper in the wind that hangs out in space, quickly flips to the camera, edges moving, sticks to the screen so you can read it, then whips off in any direction.

I can do the some of the parts, like move a grid along a path but I'm not sure about the sticking and edge moving. Would that be in DOPs with weight painted constraints...?

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To be honest, depending on the screen space scale, I would mostly hand animate it. I'd find some artistic way to apply noise to the staged hero page. Weather that's a high frequency or low frequency moving noise at the edges and less in the middle, or the other way around.

Or just sim the outside edge 50% as cloth pinned to the main animated body.

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Here is an attempt but I don't feel like it "slams" to the ground correctly. Even though I have set both Bounce fields to 0.0 on the Physical tab of the ground plane I still get excessive bounce if I crank up gravity.

Is there some other way to cause a cloth object to fall more quickly other than increasing gravity?



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Custom vel fields in a sop solver is the easiest way I found to control FEM so far. I think it's always going to need some direction intervention to get that "slam" feeling though. I would hazard a guess that your cloth will never come to a complete abrupt stop naturally. Unless this is just for a personal challenge I'd be going with kleers suggestion of hand animation with possibly a bit of sim around the edges. 

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Perhaps handing off from a DOP cache to an animated or static copy of the geometry you can capture/deform to would help?  I know that's often a trick people doing cloth sims I've spoken to use for stubborn sims

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I managed to put together a simulated proof-of-concept using Adrian's posted example file in this other thread. I thought I'd post the resulting file here if others might need this effect.

It is a series of keyframed activations of the forces and constraints.



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