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Scatter & Copy to point without intersecting

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Trying to figure out if there is a way to use a copy to point or scatter + copy to point operation so that the  copied objects never intersect each other.

The obvious answer is to either reduce the scatter number or reduce the size of the scattered objects.

But is there a way to make the copied or scattered objects act as though they were 'solid' and could collide but not intersect with other scattered objects?



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Wow..a million thanks for this. Will come in handy for sure.

Quick question, can I recreate what you've done via one of the RBD shelf tools?

I've found that simply cutting pasting the dopnet from your example I can too easily break the bullet solver.

I also tried manually wiring together nodes inside a empty dop network without luck.

In other words, what are the steps you took to create your solution?

Edited by art3mis
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  • 4 years later...
On 11.07.2017 at 1:45 PM, carlo_c said:

Here is a way using the bullet solver to handle collisions


It's brilliant! Thanks! But is that even working? I mean what sense in combining staticsolver and bulletrbdsolver? I failed to find an answer in Houdini docs. Could you help with it, please?

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