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Subdivision UV Sculpting?


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I am trying to make a system where I have a low-res UV set that gets projected onto a subdivided grid. But I don't want the UVs to be stitched together (which subdivide seems to do). My goal is to displace sculpt by moving the low-res blocks around. I have a basic setup almost working but as you can see in the image there are still areas that are displaced when black and lowered when white. I would like the system to use the color luminance to control the height of the displacement.



Edited by Atom
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Thanks, that does help it look better.

I am trying to emulate a modeling technique from another software package inside of Houdini. But separating Uvs from Subdivided faces seems almost impossible in Houdini.

I can model in the other package and bring them into Houdini but it would be nice to have a Houdinicentric solution to avoid the export/import step.




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On 18/12/2017 at 2:46 PM, Atom said:

I came up with an alternate attempt but it still does not seem correct...


There just does not seem to be a way to keep the UVs from subdividing.



Hey buddy @Atom , is your intention here to avoid repetion of the pattern? Not sure i get it right?  Have you managed to progress and find some rule to procedurally do this for any kind of input form?

First creating the UV first that will follow the mesh then Orient for consistent direction to offset and so breaking the tilling i presume?


Im trying myself to find a way to smooth color map used to displace/ or cleancut  to avoid the aliasing without having to increase too much the subdivision value. I don't want to do that at rendertime as i need to process the from after...

Like advecting the color in the right direction while preserving the key sharpness... Like when you smooth the edge while not creating GAP (which the LAB tool does actually sadly)

this is not easy, not even sure it's even possible. I tried to heal the surface after but still have to go one level up to the resolution i was hoping to work with, if not, some area struggle to get a perfect polish industrial cut look.

I code my own process to generate interest from for hard surface design, something different that what i have done before...




Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts










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Or i guess you mean instead gaining control on the UV so they follow the mesh flow, like the "Follow quad" in blender to have no seam break along all elements being mapped?

The straight skeleton is my first thought to find a procedural method, i used before but can't get perfect seam. Maybe some of you have better idea?


@konstantin magnus @Atom

Like this image.png.c787ea29c508ed4810402ed0b35c33e0.png


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