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Adding Curve Points In Hda

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I got an object HDA and burried deep inside is a curve sop. I can export Handle to Type Properties and edit the curve at the obj level, but this does not include the ability to add points by SHIFT clicking on the curve.

Is there a way to promote the ability to add points to the top level of an Object HDA?



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you could promote the string that defines the curve points...then edit that by hand (shudder)

or you could promote a refine after your curve...

not much help...


or you could build your curve with inputs from outside your HDA...that way you might have more control over the curve....

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or you could build your curve with inputs from outside your HDA...that way you might have more control over the curve....

this is what I'm doing now, but after discovering the handle promotion stuff (from the same post peliosis just mentioned), I was hoping to get the "add point" handle as well

Seems like I have to stick with my current solution

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if you are adding points.. aren't you changing the definition?



But I can have refine sops in an asset as well, and it doesn't change the definition, just the point count. It's the same in this case. I could also promote the curve defintion string to the asset level and change the curve there, which also would not change it's definition.

Like arctor said, "unless you build in something that allows a changing point count..."

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Is it possible to separate the curve generation from the asset itself? Makes it more procedural and open.

Houdini has a nice curve drawing tool at the object level called, erm, "Path". Just have the user point the asset at the object generating the curve. Could use any tool to generate that curve.

It follows a maya-like approach where custom tools do require you to know the software package a bit to knit things together.

I don't even know what the asset does though.

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that's something I've seen many people (me included) struggle with in building HDAs...the tendency to build huge elaborate structures that do everything and have infinite flexibility...it's often a real waste of time when building a few very simple HDAs that work together will achieve the same results but in far less time and frustration...

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I agree

In fact I tried to do almost the exact same thing as you're trying to do (well, the curve modifying part anyway). I found it infinitely easier just to wire in a curve as an input...

There comes a point where fighting against the natural workflow of the hda just isn't worth it. Personally I try and ignore the point as much as possible.. but sometimes you just gotta give in :)


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