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Render pyro sim with multiple smoke objects or source volumes separately?

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Hi there, quite new to Houdini and I'm struggling to find documentation for something like this.

I have a scene with a building where there are multiple fires starting at windows of varying sizes. This means I have different source volumes (fuel & temp, and a pump) for each window. I want to be able to render the pyro from each window separately and perhaps even have dynamic resizes for each source.

The only way I could imagine doing this would be if it was possible to have multiple smoke object nodes that can reference different source volumes (the fuel & temp, and the pump). I saw that clustering exists but from what I understand it only accepts point sources? I am using a fluid source node building SDF from geometry to create the source volumes.

What would be the best way of doing this?

Thanks in advance and apologies if this has a very simple answer.

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if you know that  your overall settings in the dopnet for the fire sim will stay the same and all you want to  replace is essentially the incoming sources then I would do the following:

- setup a source  for each of your windows.

- pipe that into a switch node with value $WEDGE

- amount of wedges = amount of sources.

- enjoy time off while computer  cranks through all your sims with  one  button push :P


this of course applies to all your fields you want to source into your sim


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Thanks @Jesper Rahlff & @chrisdunham95

For now I have just created a couple of DOP networks to at least separate the window and roof fires. I can see that wedging could be a good way of caching and then having control over each fire. Clustering could also be a good option. Will definitely look in to these more when I have time...

On a completely different note, I am now trying to render said simulations and for some reason any extra image plane that I have added has this glitch distortion around it... The main combined pass is completely fine. Is this a bug?


Any thoughts would be appreciated.





Edited by horia747
forgot to add files...
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okay here is a few things I want you to try. because I am not getting any errors when rendering this, however I did not have access to your camera so I had to put one down  myself.

try to put down a camera and render from that rather than your  alembic camera.. just to see if its your alembic camera causing problems.

Also I see you are using IPR to render, try to render to mplay to see if the issue still persist. this might just be an IPR thingg 



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Thanks a lot for helping me out. I have attached the scene camera now. 

I have tried creating a new camera, rendering to mplay & EXR to disk, and changing the wall material. Problem persists. Interesting that it is not visible on your end when viewing the other render passes. 




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even when importing your camera abc it renders just fine.

However all your indirect AOVS are empty. its only your direct AOVS that holds information.


what version of houdini are you on? I am using 16.0.619


edit: just noticed it was in your screenshot.. hmm hard to say what the problem could be.  try to update your houdini if you can.

Edited by Jesper Rahlff
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