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Finding activation frame

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I'm using point wrangle to activate my packed geometry across 50 frames.

I want to apply an initial velocity (only on the activation frame) and angular velocity to each piece as they become active, one way I can think of is to wrangle something like this:

if(@Frame == @activationFrame)


v@v = { x, x, x };

v@w = { x, x, x };

But I can't figure out how to get the frame of activation to do this. :huh:

Need some assistance on learning how to do this! :lol:


Thank you!


Edited by toothpaste
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1 hour ago, toothpaste said:

But wouldn't that apply the same force throughout the sim? Since my object is constantly active after the initial hit? Wouldn't it just fly off into foreverness? :huh:

piece one gets activated at frame 50 lets say.

so on frame 50 active becomes 1 and the counter starts counting. counter is equal to 1 at frame 50.

on frame 51 @active is still 1 which then forces the counter to add another one to the sum. Counter is now equal 2.


so as stated above. just use if(@counter == 1){ #Do my velocity manipulations here}

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Where do you create this counter?


I created it in a point wrangle just before going into DOP Net, and the counter is staying at one. It is not ticking upwards.

if(i@active == 1)
i@countner += 1;


But I managed to get it count correct with this:

if(i@active == 1)
i@countner += 1+@Frame-24;

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