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how to configure QLIB and AELIB at the same time in the houdini.env file and that work well

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Good afternoon, first of all, all the members of this great page receive a cordial greeting. Sincerely, I have learned a lot here. This page is great and I am very happy to have found it.

I have a problem to configure two plugins or HDA would not know how to tell them finally the plugins in question are

AELIB and QLIB the problem is that when I configure the file HOUDINI .ENV to start the 2 only works one the other stops working automatically my configuration is the following please someone to guide me to solve the problem please

HOUDINI_PATH = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ GameDevelopmentToolset-Development; &

QLIB = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ qLib-master
QOTL = $ QLIB / otls

HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = $ QOTL / base; $ QOTL / future; $ QOTL / experimental; @ / otls
HOUDINI_GALLERY_PATH = $ QLIB / gallery; @ / gallery
HOUDINI_TOOLBAR_PATH = $ QLIB / toolbar; @ / toolbar
HOUDINI_SCRIPT_PATH = $ QLIB / scripts; @ / scripts

AELIB = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ Aelib-master

HOUDINI_VEX_PATH = $ AELIB / vex / include; &

Obviously that way only AELIB works but QLIB does not work. I have made all kinds of configurations and I have come to the conclusion that it has to do something with the paths of the attacks which are repeated in both I imagine that the .ENV file decides to start the AELIB for having more files configured with SCRIPTS the truth I would appreciate that you help me with any data please

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  thank you very much Mr. vtrvtr for your quick reply I have read and seen your answers on this, in this post


and that impel me to do and create this post you are very kind to take your time to help me, I can annoy you once again that I must learn to understand the routes and all this topic of plugins please want to be aware of what kind of In this case, language is handled so that with the tests that you do, you can give help to your colleagues, just as you do

thank you very much for your response god bless you

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YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH thank you very much Lord vtrvtr worked perfectly GOD BLESS YOU really thank you very much since Sunday I'm doing and trying doing and trying all kinds of configurations and you came with a simple line and resolved it THANK YOU sir vtrvtr I'm super happy for your great help I could tell me and sorry for the inconvenience you could tell me that I would like to study to understand this topic of the routes please

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jcmusashi - in response to your DM:


Add this into your houdini.env file

HOUDINI_PATH = C:\Users\jcmusashi\Documents\houdini16.5\myCustomTools; &

Don't have spaces in your paths or filenames.

Inside your 'myCustomTools' directory add folders that houdini will recognise - i.e. otls, scripts, toolbars etc

Houdini should then pick these up when it loads.

Or - if you just want otl directories then do as vtrvtr has suggested - using HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH

To check it you an go to the shell and type hconfig - this will display your environment paths



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yeahhhhh thank you very much Mr. garf for your answer just yesterday I sent a private msj asking you about this issue I wanted to configure everything in a single folder but I can not get it to work in my case I have configured the .env file as follows

TOOL QUICK = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ TOOL QUICK; &

HOUDINI_PATH = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ GameDevelopmentToolset-Development; &

QLIB = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ qLib-master
QOTL = $ QLIB / otls

HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = $ QOTL / base; $ QOTL / future; $ QOTL / experimental; @ / otls
HOUDINI_GALLERY_PATH = $ QLIB / gallery; @ / gallery
HOUDINI_TOOLBAR_PATH = $ QLIB / toolbar; @ / toolbar
HOUDINI_SCRIPT_PATH = $ QLIB / scripts; @ / scripts

AELIB = C: \ Users \ jcmusashi \ Documents \ houdini16.5 \ PLUGINS HOUDINI FX \ Aelib-master

HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = $ AELIB / otls; $ QOTL / base; $ QOTL / future; $ QOTL / experimental; &
HOUDINI_VEX_PATH = $ AELIB / vex / include; &

and the first line is to say the one that says TOOL QUICK in it I want to put assets that I downloaded from orbolt but I want that in the houdini menu you appear reflcted as TOOL QUICK when you select some tool you understand that I want to apologize if I bother so much with the subject but I promise to return every knowledge acquired to this TREMENDA PAGE god bless you friend GARF I hope I can count on your help

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HOUDINI_PATH = C:\Users\jcmusashi\Documents\houdini16.5\PLUGINS_HOUDINI_FX\TOOL_QUICK; C:\Users\jcmusashi\Documents\houdini16.5\PLUGINS_HOUDINI_FX\GameDevelopmentToolset-Development; &

Lose the spaces in the your paths - I think they're ok if you put "" around them - but it's always safer to just not have spaces in file/folder names.

Any folders within GameDevelopmentToolset-Development and TOOL_QUICK will get picked up


If all else fails - remove all the variables within the houdini.env file and test it one line at a time to make sure you understand what is happening.


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thank you very much for your help friend garf but I can not make the folder work that I already told you believe me I have tried a thousand and one ways but I can not get it to work I have the tools in this way look at the photos


in this first one is how I have ordered my documents from houdini fx there are you can see how is the folder called PLUGINS HOUDINI FX inside it are all the plugins that I have to use and they all go perfectly except a folder


in this second photo you can see the only folder that does not work which I called TOOLQUICK and take your advice and remove the spaces


within it are these assets which I want to make them work from the personalized folder that I already showed my question and sorry my insistence is that I must do to work use the configuration you gave me but unfortunately not work please help me my friend in the third picture you can see that within it are these assets which I want to make them work from the personalized folder that I already show my question and sorry my insistence is that I must do to work with the configuration you gave me but unfortunately it did not work please help me my friend


in this last photo you can see how I have ordered my file houdini.env I show you the only code line that does not work tell me what I will be doing wrong I hope your help my friend and PLEASE APOLOGIZE THE DISCOMFORT




Edited by jcmusashi
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