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Golly, thanks...:P

Dive into Python is a great starting point, but if you're new to coding, there's also:


which is a little less assuming. When you get more into it, any O'Reilly books are, of course, great.

Shameless plug: ActiveState is a great site - tons of very useful snippets, they distribute a great Python for free if you have the misfortune of being stuck on windows, and they also sell a great IDE called Komodo which I use on Linux(also available on Windows).

Have fun!



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a week a go, I was wondering why docs about binding Python in Houdini have disapeared from H. help... (there was a chapter about python in H5.5 pdf). I thought that H. doesn't support Python in some strict way anymore... It would be shame! I know there are lots of script languages out there (and few on them right in Houdini), but Python is a really amazing stuff! It is so easy (yes, yes, I'm not a programmer :)) and so powerful... There should be some deeper integration here, since Python is the easiest way to use scripts (or even programming) for someone like me - without computer science background. And there are most of us...

For many years I've tried to learn coding basics - just for simply tasks. It was quite easy untill I had to write something :). After few days diving in Python I could write anything I wanted before. Just like that...

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alright, so i've been getting in to scripting lately so i can see what it has to offer me in terms of pushing my own work and knowledge further. i also know it's a good asset to have in the industry, so it will be good to have on a resume while i'm looking for work at the turn of the new year as well.

anyways, i would consider myself on the same lines as SYmek in that i don't have a compsci background but still feel capable of tackling technical things (and enjoy the power that that can bring). as of now i'm pretty comfortable with a command line and shell activity, but i never really put them together to actually create scripts to do things all at once. i have used hscript for OTL's and other workflow type stuff, but that's about it. so as of now, i'm taking time to look at the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide and i also have the o'reilly classic shell scripting book to work from.

but now this topic has kind of intrigued me because JC's link for non-programmers seems pretty nice and SYmek's comments are appealing.. So now i'm wondering if i should keep concentrating on learning shell scripting and bash or would it be more beneficial to start learning python first.. i still have intentions on learning both, i'm just wondering what order i should attempt to tackle these things.

can any of you scripting guys and gals advise me a little on this?

thanks all,


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So now i'm wondering if i should keep concentrating on learning shell scripting and bash or would it be more beneficial to start learning python first.. i still have intentions on learning both, i'm just wondering what order i should attempt to tackle these things.


My advice is to learn either python or perl. From what I understand most studios use one of these two instead of bash. If I were to choose between python and perl I'd go with python simply because it's easier to learn. From what I've heard perl has really complicated syntax.

however, it doesn't hurt to have a basic(and I do mean basic) knowledge of shell

scripting. I find that it helps when I'm trying to write hscript.

all the best


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yes that is indeed a good tutorial on python, i will check it out when i get time, but its good know its there to fall back on.

btw python and perl, I suggest python, only becuase of the fact its easy to learn and the code forces u to be organised so that anyone else can read it.

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My advice is to learn either python or perl. From what I understand most studios use one of these two instead of bash. If I were to choose between python and perl I'd go with python simply because it's easier to learn. From what I've heard perl has really complicated syntax.

however, it doesn't hurt to have a basic(and I do mean basic) knowledge of  shell

scripting. I find that it helps when I'm trying to write hscript.

all the best



Hey Doc, Perl syntax is very simple. It's a powerfull and laconic language which have a nice libraries (I mean CPAN) but some people think that is odd. I still like Perl and think abt Python like that is just perverted Perl :lol: Sorry for this comparison :) (I understand that Python is good instrument).

Some guys like Ruby (Ed? ;) ) which is nice and powerfull too (is it true that Ruby is an "OOP-enhanced" Perl?)

But arhhhh... If u want to feel a power try... LISP :P

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a little perl python stupid humour, but i think it touches a main point:-


With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the

many thick vines that grow in the swamp until he reaches the

Dagobah statistics lab. Panting heavily, he continues his

exercises--grepping, installing new packages, logging in as

root, and writing replacements for two-year-old shell scripts

in Python.

YODA: Code! Yes. A programmer's strength flows from code maintainability. But beware of Perl. Terse syntax... more than one way to do it... default variables. The dark side of code maintainability are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you when code you write. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.

LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?

YODA: No... no... no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

LUKE: But how will I know why Python is better than Perl?

YODA: You will know. When your code you try to read six months from

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ahh yes, the ol' python vs perl debate.. i've seen it many o' places..

well atleast it's good to hear that i shouldn't have a problem with starting out to learn python.. for some reason, i had this idea in my head that i needed to learn bash shell scripting before getting in to any serious scripting languages like python, perl, ruby, etc.. kind of a walk before you run type of thing.. but maybe that's not the case after all..

thanks all

[::goes to start python tutorial::]

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I know Perl coders that will agree with me that it's a horrible, mishmash of a language. They still love it, and won't dump it, but they agree it's got a lot of problems. The biggest single complaint I've heard against Python is the indentation(which affects syntax). If you're experienced in other forms of coding, this often drives you compleletly nuts, especially when having to read long lines, which means more horizontal scrolling when they're indented. I agree with that, but still prefer Python by far. It's so damned powerful for the advanced users, and yet *very* easy to read, it's an excellent first language.

But yah - he debates will never end. :rolleyes:

The advantage to learning bash/csh scripting is that it's very basic - it's good for quickly whipping off something useful, and I promise you for quick and dirty tasks it's a lot less typing than Python. However, with that comes some hair-pulling, cuss-screaming nonsense that will make you swear off shell scripting for life. Just the escape stuff is so lame you'll cringe. So while it's great for something quick, don't even *think* about using it to write something that you suspect might grow into a more all-purpose tool. You'll regret it.

I think you could safely skip spending time learning bash scripting if you're going to get into Python. Honestly, I started scripting in cshell so it's hard to imagine *not* knowing at least the basics, but I think you'd be fine skipping it.



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"I've heard against Python is the indentation(which affects syntax)."

Yep - the indentation is a bit confusing. Its for me a reason to stay with Perl (for my little tools). <_<

I agree with you - to start with Python is a good way. There is no need to start with shell.


There are a lot samples and help for Python at http://www.oreillynet.com

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I started programming on a C64 (Basic and assembly) which completely corrupted me (goto/return!!) until I got formal training in college in Fortran and Pascal (ahhh, Pascal, how I miss ye). Then learned TCL/TK because it was built into Houdini (1.0? 2.0? 2.5? I can't remember) and I found it easier than Hscript. Also, Amazon Paint had TCL/TK built in so it was a double bonus. I got really good at TCL/TK but the curly braces and how they interacted with Houdini ultimately killed the love.

I then learned Tcsh shell scripting, which I still use quite often, as John says for relatively simple things (usually pipeline tools). I tried really really hard to learn Perl when I was at R+H but it's a completely baffling, non-intuitive syntax (to me). I have not tried Python, the indentation sounds like it would drive me mental.

My alltime favouriate language, though, is Javascript! Yes, sounds nutty, but it's a lightly-typed language with powerful constructs and object-orientedness if you want it, and you can ignore the object-orientedness if you want too. HUGE amount of code floating free on the web, tonnes of books and support. I wish I could use it more, I can only use it when I have something that will run in a web page. XSI actually has Jscript (and VBscript, which is the devil) as one of their core scripting languages.

Anyways, I think I'll try Python next, and see if the indentation drives me batty. Can't be worse that $_ or any of the other crazy things in Perl :)


Peter B

I know Perl coders that will agree with me that it's a horrible, mishmash of a language.  They still love it, and won't dump it, but they agree it's got a lot of problems.  The biggest single complaint I've heard against Python is the indentation(which affects syntax).  If you're experienced in other forms of coding, this often drives you compleletly nuts, especially when having to read long lines, which means more horizontal scrolling when they're indented.  I agree with that, but still prefer Python by far.  It's so damned powerful for the advanced users, and yet *very* easy to read, it's an excellent first language.

But yah - he debates will never end.  :rolleyes:

The advantage to learning bash/csh scripting is that it's very basic - it's good for quickly whipping off something useful, and I promise you for quick and dirty tasks it's a lot less typing than Python.  However, with that comes some hair-pulling, cuss-screaming nonsense that will make you swear off shell scripting for life.  Just the escape stuff is so lame you'll cringe.  So while it's great for something quick, don't even *think* about using it to write something that you suspect might grow into a more all-purpose tool.  You'll regret it.

I think you could safely skip spending time learning bash scripting if you're going to get into Python.  Honestly, I started scripting in cshell so it's hard to imagine *not* knowing at least the basics, but I think you'd be fine skipping it.




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