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Annoying Selection Problem

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I'm sure many people suffer from that thing.

After some unidentified combination of condisions, houdini sets intself in "ignore right click acknowledge" mode and it doesn't let you finish selection with rmb (in any operation).

I know there is a solution in double clicking tab button but that's just not as fluent as normal way.

So I restart my session every time this error happens to fix it.

Does anybody know what is going on? This made me kill my 5$ keyboard :angry:

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It happened to me right now. Double-tabbing doesn't fix anything for me (at least not permanently), so I just restart Houdini.

It's a well know problem, but I don't think they've been able to reproduce it, thus no fix.


I'll happily reproduce it for anybody! Give me 5 minutes ;).

No matter windows or linux.

It happens very often for me.

I hope they can fix it sometime.

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crazy... cause I was almost punching my table for exact same reason.. and actually i was angry about the fact that this bug is still there.. c'mon.. its so damn annoying specially since its a indispensable way to complete commands... It happends many times to me when in Edit and Group SOPs.

I love and I'm addicted to this software.. and I'm pointing at using it for next years over and over.. but i must say that this sucks really much. Also, it happens really often... and they only way (apparently) is save, exit, reload, pray until next time it happens.

anyway.. let's hope they will fix sooner or later.. as far as I know Houdini or saw it first time (around version 4).. I also know this bug, which is kinda crazy.


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The main problem is with tracking this down. I suspect it's highly sensitive to timing of the clicks of the mouse and its movement. We had thought we found one cause for it and fixed it a while back but after 8.0.410. Is everyone using 8.0.474 or later? There may also be multiple actions that result in similar symptoms. At this point, I'm guessing that the actions we were told resulted in the behaviour is actually different from what others are actually doing.

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Ok, so it's still a persistent problem. Anyone got ideas on how to reproduce?


sadly not.. but this happens most often (to me) when reselecting, for example, the edit from the netview.. then pressing enter in viewport to go to "edit" mode... and the select the primitives (or points) and left clicking to confirm.. this will get usually me angry :) ...


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yeah sorry .. i mean right click to confirm.. which instead it removes the selection and remain in "select" mode...

and no.. i'm not in secure selection since first option i usually check off when installing houdini on a fresh machine is to stay off secure selection in both SOP and OBJ mode. I'm always in "selectable" mode this is what i mean.

the problem almost comes out when you goes with many edits.. then you might click on some nodes to check parameters.. then reselect edit and press Enter in viewport to go on (or in group SOP) .. and there it comes the bad.. rightclick wont confirm the new selection.


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this may not help at all but...

the only times this has happened to me is during a long session of selecting (points/prims) > edit/paint/etc > ` to reselect > edit/paint/etc > ` to reselect...rinse/repeat

then I'll get the viewport freeze....TAB TAB all back to normal...

I don't know about such things but it feels like the viewport just gets tired of working (some kind of buffer thing?)....


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I wonder if someone who can easily reproduce it could use a screen capture util to record their actions during a session, then it could be played back and carefully analyzed by someone to see what is going wrong. assuming using a screen capture util doesn't cause it itself.....

You can get plenty of screen capture try outs for free and they are easy to use.

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