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Redshift - Mesh Light Inherit Cd

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I scattered some points, gave them random Cd, copied Spheres on points and made a Redshift Mesh light.

Now I wan't the mesh light to inherit the Cd from points into the light color.

So i will have a lot of diferent color lights.

Is it posible to do this?

I have been messing around without any good result, i have even tried the color from texture but nothing.

I am working in Houdini 16.5.378 + Redshift 2.5.65

Thanks guys!

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Here is an example scene.

Basically you need to set the attribute for the light_color instance.

v@light_color = set (rand(@ptnum),rand(@ptnum+801),rand(@ptnum-311));

Make sure to set the Light Instance OBJParms to use attribute shaders or you will get all white lights.



Edited by Atom
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I think you are right about the meshlight attribute support. The closest I can get is something like this...

Go ahead and use your emission material for selected primitives. Then instance a point light to the center of each of those primitives. Have the new center point inherit the normal and the color which gets passed along to the instance light using v@light_color. It is still a fake but you can get some material colors cast out into the volumetric scattering.




Edited by Atom
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  • 1 year later...

I know this is old, but I found a way to get colour to the mesh light using cops.


Once you've uv'd the object you can bring in the point colours using the sop geo node in cops, then use this method I found in another post:

then you can import the cop network into the texture of the light mesh using the op: command. (op:/img/copsnetwork/OUT) - no parenthesis



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  • 4 years later...

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