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New Icons For Houdini!?


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I stumbled over this: Toronto icon design internship


This is the weblog of Jimmac one of the best know artist in the linux world.

Great icons style, look all of them:


They are very different from tha actual SGI icons style.

I need to see Houdini with this icons.

and if Side FX is looking for imprive the app look, I think that some changes in the ui widgets will be great.

Change the ui toolkit is very difficult, but a good chance will be port Houdini to FLTK

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I just hope they don't make it look like a cross between OSX and WinXP...worst of both worlds...

clean, simple, unobtrusive, functional....not fancy...I'm more interested in what is inside the panes than what the panes/buttons look like...

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Nice find Leo.

I like the idea of snazzy icons, and (hopefully) by extension a revamped interface. The houdini interface has a bunch of little issues that I would love to see fixed.


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