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Houdini Ai, Behavioral Animation, Project

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hey arctor thanks for info, can U gimme some more info about it? what techniques did U used? I bet it wasn't just 'flow particles on surface+instanced characters' , right?

I didn't seen the movie yet :ph34r: but were those characters react on each other? something like 'uuu U r too close to me, go diffrent way'


did U use DOPs for that kind of stuff? I mean dynamic characters where they can collide with themselves...

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The elf crowds in the Polar Express were done in Houdini. Pretty much the same technique Caleb used for the mice.

Each particle had a field of view (essentially) which they used to avoid the other particles in their path. Combined with a goal point that they were heading towards made for fairly believable sims. Lots of CHOPS to do the motion blending between the various walk/run/skip/tumble animations too.


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hey arctor thanks for link, this is great

Marc: so the majority of crowds in movies use the same technique, right? One need some animation cycles and animated transitions from one cycle to another, then some scripting or chop stuff to connect that, right?

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Yeah, you definitely need a way to blend between animation cycles based on what the particle is doing. Other than that though it's mostly a sim thing and a question of getting the particles to move in a way that looks like a crowd.

As for the majority of movies doing the same thing... beats me. I do know that the polar express one and the one Caleb described had a few similarities in what they were doing. I'm sure they differed completely in how they achieved that goal.

And if you feel like reading a technical piece :



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Yeah, you definitely need a way to blend between animation cycles based on what the particle is doing. Other than that though it's mostly a sim thing and a question of getting the particles to move in a way that looks like a crowd.


all crowds based on particles or maybe there r some different techniques? does Massive also use particles???

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all crowds based on particles or maybe there r some different techniques? does Massive also use particles???


I'm not sure what massive uses, never used it. But if you're trying to make a crowd simulation in a general 3D package, then odds are you'll be using particles.

You don't need to, of course. The HDK is a wonderful place to write all sort of interesting things if you're brave enough.

It all depends on your skill and the amount of time you have available to do this. Particles come with alot of things for free that are needed for a crowd sim, so they're the obvious choice.



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all crowds based on particles or maybe there r some different techniques? does Massive also use particles???


hey there

in terms of what massive uses, at one stage, ur agents are placed using particles. however after that, one uses stand in objects to visualise what the agent is doing, and points to contain details about where each agent is.

i think that one thing that comes close to massive in houdini (in how it renders), is houdini's procedural instance with h-script, just in the way it handles the dso call and how u can incorporate variables into ur otl at run time, but thats standards in DSO's.

the beauty of massive are the brains that particles have,

how those particles move and think and load the appropriate files is impressive, its their fuzzy logic.

each piece(ie head, hand, toe) of the agent can be used to check if something is in front of it, or around it, then using data that ur agent reads info from the env and other particles and combining all these different sources with an infinite number of custom variables, they're link ed up to what u render and what motion is called.

dunno if that clears anything up.



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