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Slow viewport- Graphic card and Monitor


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I have a small problem regarding a slow viewport in Houdini. When I zoom close to a pyro simulation and try to pan around it, the viewport will be noticeably slow and laggy.

This would make sense if I had a basic graphics card but I am currently running on the NVIDIA Quadro M5000 graphics card with (8gb vram). 

I also have a dual monitor setup: 4K 32 inch and a HD 27 inch .

I know that the 4k monitor would require more power to run but I thought that the quadro m5000 would handle it no problem.

The rest of my machine is a dual xeon setup with 64 gb of ram. So overall it's a very powerful machine that should handle houdini viewport no problem but it doesn't seem to at all. 

and yes I have already updated the graphic card drivers.


Would love to hear any thoughts. Thank you!

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Volumes are rendered as many parallel planes blended together, so if the number of pixels in the viewport is large and it's a large volume (or several), you're probably maxing out the GPU's ROPs which do the framebuffer blending and writes. You can try adjusting the volume quality and/or size in the Geometry and Texture tabs of the display options.

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