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Discretize 2d shapes


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Given a shape, how could you process it to make it a good starting point for copying those various elements at its points ?

At first it looked like something related to the Bresenham algorithm, but neighbor pieces have  to have one common edge.. The anti aliasing algorithm avoids such situation, so it won't work

I wonder what other mathematical problem this is related to.Could it be as simple as a snap (fuse), 

to a grid, then take care of the 45 degree edges ? I'm trying to have a polygon that is made only of segments oriented along one axis only at a time, and is an approximation of the initial geometry.




Edited by AntoineSfx
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On 10/03/2020 at 10:22 PM, konstantin magnus said:

Here is another variant using the winding number SOP.


@konstantin magnus

I m a little stucked here on this commun issue to fixing the orientation of extracted curves which i want to polycap. I tried different things, polydoctor or facing don't help.  My hope was to isolate in a loop each piece, do a sort, delete the extracted curves and rebuild then, but i guess i m missing something, maybe too long working days lately.... Anyone?

I attached a hip file


Thanks you




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