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How to rotate a gaz resize dynamic node inside a flip fluids dop node


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Hi, I'm struggling with an issue I have at the moment where I have a boat that floats along an ocean surface which follows a curve. The idea is to have a path and an ocean I can evaluate and have a boat bob to the waves (I've done this part) and have a guided ocean simulation follow along with the boat. 

I've then taken the normal and the up vector and used trigonometry, one unit length circle and vex to create Y rotational data. Then by diving into the ocean source node and applying this to ocean evaluate and boundaries with out interfioring with the ocean spectrum I end up with a rectangular particle source that rotates with the boat allowing me to have a smaller source of particles (instead of a large square centred on the boat) that highlight the back and side of the water next to the boat. 

My problem from here is the flip fluid solver only takes the centre and size from the ocean source, held inside gas resize fluid dynamic nodes of the flip solver. This gives my fluid simulation an incorrect result. I'd like to be able to apply the rotational values to the flipsolver using position, object position, motion node or anything else that would work. However upon facing this problem I've realised my knowledge in dops is extremely lacking and I'm confronted with green and purple outputs of nodes that don't like working together. 


I have a feeling this is possible due gas resize nodes ability to rotate for clustering and other pyro Sims, I just have no idea how. Can post my hip when I'm back from work later today, if you have any questions please ask. 

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9 minutes ago, Poetsofthefall said:

Ahoy there!!

Not really sure what youre trying to ACHIEVE. But rotating a flip solver???? Haven't see that one. What EXACTLY youre trying to see there??? Could you just produce a ref FILE or some.

Omg a reply. Thank you. When producing a flip fluid sim the rectangle that holds the sim and boundaries runs parallel to the X Y and Z axis. What I'm trying to a achieve is rotating this box in the Y axis effectively having the simulation rotate with my boat and the source of the particles (ocean source) helping me save on simulation. I can send the hip when I get home from work, I hope that's enough to help your understanding. If you need anymore clarification please let me know. 

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I got your point. Did some searching too. Rotation kinda happens in Pyro SIMMS as seen in clusters but I couldnt find the option in Flip Solver. May I recommend making a big container (Guided Ofcourse) and then add a container around like a box and use it as a Sink SDF. The box rotates with the Ship or the boat and removes the ones outside the box. The SDF ofcourse have to be recreated I guess. Its just a theory from me.

I think I'm gonna sit on the FILE for you. I think. Already sitting.

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Rotation is NOT a GOOD IDEA. If your ship turns and so does your container then the back splashes and the wakes will get deleted. In Pyro, its easy because its just smoke that covers the mid part of the Container and not the entire volume. In Guided Simm its totally different. You kinda wanna want the entire back area of the ocean that's been disturbed by the object.

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1 hour ago, Poetsofthefall said:

Saw the file. Needs some cleanup. So you have the boat animated. But all I see that the Boat is moving Straight only. So why rotate the container???

I was just using a test curve to make it easier. My thought was that if I could have a rotated container then I could focus on the wake of the boat instead of simming a larger container, being more efficient with my simulation. But I think I'll just drop it lol, it doesn't seem very popular. Thanks anyway

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20 minutes ago, DHartleRyan said:

I was just using a test curve to make it easier. My thought was that if I could have a rotated container then I could focus on the wake of the boat instead of simming a larger container, being more efficient with my simulation. But I think I'll just drop it lol, it doesn't seem very popular. Thanks anyway

I get it. Being effective and all is great but rotating the container is not really a good idea. Spectrums are projected from Y-Axis. Also the SDF Vol and Vel Vol are dependent on it. Rotate it but I still dont see the point of How being Effective??? About the Container Size, that have to be big enough to calculate the Splashes and the following Wake. You can try the Sink Vol Idea if you really wanna TRY it out. Cheerio.

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On 8/15/2019 at 12:43 PM, DHartleRyan said:

Hi, I'm struggling with an issue I have at the moment where I have a boat that floats along an ocean surface which follows a curve. The idea is to have a path and an ocean I can evaluate and have a boat bob to the waves (I've done this part) and have a guided ocean simulation follow along with the boat. 

I've then taken the normal and the up vector and used trigonometry, one unit length circle and vex to create Y rotational data. Then by diving into the ocean source node and applying this to ocean evaluate and boundaries with out interfioring with the ocean spectrum I end up with a rectangular particle source that rotates with the boat allowing me to have a smaller source of particles (instead of a large square centred on the boat) that highlight the back and side of the water next to the boat. 

My problem from here is the flip fluid solver only takes the centre and size from the ocean source, held inside gas resize fluid dynamic nodes of the flip solver. This gives my fluid simulation an incorrect result. I'd like to be able to apply the rotational values to the flipsolver using position, object position, motion node or anything else that would work. However upon facing this problem I've realised my knowledge in dops is extremely lacking and I'm confronted with green and purple outputs of nodes that don't like working together. 


I have a feeling this is possible due gas resize nodes ability to rotate for clustering and other pyro Sims, I just have no idea how. Can post my hip when I'm back from work later today, if you have any questions please ask. 

FOUND an OPTION to rotate the Fluid Tank.

It works with
*Fluid Solver


Dont know how are you going to USE IT IN OCEAN. I dont even have time for that right now. But you can DO SOME RND bud.

Add a "fluidobject" and add a Position Node and in the Initial Data tab "Position Data Path" plug in the path "../Position". Also Rename the position node to "Position".

This way is NO LONGER USEFUL since the Flip Solver is introduced. Still dont know why I'm POSTING THIS.



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1 hour ago, Poetsofthefall said:

FOUND an OPTION to rotate the Fluid Tank.

It works with
*Fluid Solver


Dont know how are you going to USE IT IN OCEAN. I dont even have time for that right now. But you can DO SOME RND bud.

Add a "fluidobject" and add a Position Node and in the Initial Data tab "Position Data Path" plug in the path "../Position". Also Rename the position node to "Position".

This way is NO LONGER USEFUL since the Flip Solver is introduced. Still dont know why I'm POSTING THIS.



Bahahah, I understand. Ive kinda given up on it and I'm still thinking about how I can solve it, just seems interesting that no one's asked it. Thank you for the huge help I'll give it a go

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