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How to view colors correctly in the Composite View?


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When I make a Composite Render ROP and I export my composition as png or jpg, it looks so much as in the Composite View. The exr file itself that I've loaded in the Composite View also has different colors (but the same as the jpg/png export) when viewed in the Finder.


Playing with the settings Viewers settings and Composite preferences didn't help me so far. What can I do? 

Really hope someone can help me.


Thanks in advance


Edited by Krion
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I have a lot of confusion regarding this.

When I load the exr into Photoshop, it shows up just as crabby as the right.


But yeah, Ps is probably not for exr, so I loaded the exr into After Effects, in which it became kinda the same as in Houdini, but a little less colorful:


Then I thought: Maybe it is a exr vs jpg conversion issue, so I exported a jpg from houdini by just replacing .exr with .jpg and loaded that into After Effects, but it was no issue regarding this. The jpg in After Effects came with the same 'colorful' style, altho a bit darker. (while this same jpg looks dull again in Photoshop)


So then I thought: Maybe this is a Video/Animation Editor vs Picture Edit thing.. but then I remembered that this image also became like this image also became so colourful again in Preview when viewed in a pdf (after saving the jpg in a pdf presentation made in illustrator, which is what the purpose is of this render, btw). But yeah that is also different whether I view it with Preview or with Adobe Acrobat (where the color becomes dull again).. And whether or not I do color conversion in Illustrator> Save as > PDF > Output > Color Conversion.

Anyways this color stuff has always been a confusion which kinda annoyed me. But now with this presentation it matters a little more, because that blue has to match the style of blue of vector objects in Illustrator. And I could fill this whole post with more comparisons between progams and situations and how the color is different, but I guess I just have to take this step by step.

So... step one is:

How can I get a render from Houdini with which I can composite & color correct (in Houdini) with CryptoMatte, and then have that image stabely exported and placed into a pdf, without color distortion?

Edited by Krion
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  • 2 weeks later...

Was thinking for a moment this had to do with it being a 32 bit image. But when I import it in Affinity Photo, with seemingly has the capacity to deal with this image, it also comes out the same as in Photoshop, and not like in the Houdini compositor. And also: the color channels seem to be 16bit. (altho the whole image itself contains 32 bit, I think: I don't know if this matters)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I am not really an expert, but at a glance this looks to be an color space issue. Is Photoshop set up to apply sRGB profile automatically on new images? That could explain the washed out look, which is typical for a different color space image imported wrongly into sRGB color space.

In the Affinity you applied the correct color profile, at least based on the name of the option you chose. What that profile is this: DCI-P3, or "is a common RGB color space for digital movie projection from the American film industry."

Edited by TheRatInTheWall
wrong/extra word
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Ah, that’s a nice coincidence..

It’s a pretty huge list of options of which I randomly tried a few and I already found it strange this seemingly complex code/name worked so well.

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I have noticed that Most AdobeCC documents I receive are in the Adobe 1998 color space, for some reason. I think it is the default color space, unless you alter your account. Color Space mismatch can cause color shifts like that.

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